Remembering Oneness, The Many Faces of Sedona is a pictorial story that illustrates the need for humanity to choose differently. The balance of all of Life is in the hands of the people who are living, breathing, and walking on this planet today.

This book is written to inspire and open you to greater possibilities for your own life and for all Life on this
planet. It is time to honor and respect each other, all species, and our planet if we are to reverse the damage
we have done. Through our choices over the next decade, we can create the possibility of leaving the planet in better health than it was when we were born. We have the potential to teach our children, through example, to honor and respect all Life and live in harmony with Nature. We must decide what quality of life we want for our children and our grandchildren and begin to breathe life into those possibilities now. Otherwise, those possibilities will never be our reality… or theirs!

The good news is that we already know how to do this. All we must do is wake up from our sleep and open to a deep appreciation for the Beauty, Serenity, Compassion and Love that is all around us everywhere — and bring that way of being into our everyday equation. If this sounds inviting to you, then listen to the Wisdom and feel the Love the Sedona Red Rocks want to share with you!

Long, long ago, before recorded history, before the busyness of Life was known, Peace, Compassion and deep Caring were the foundation of all existence. Reciprocity and complementarity were understood to be the building blocks of this existence, where all Life, all species from all kingdoms and phyla, lived together in harmonic, reverent participatory relationship. This was a time when the Peoples of the Earth remembered that our Mother Earth, all of Nature, was our family, and this remembrance guided every thought, word, action, and interaction between the Peoples and all Life. Constant and consistent appreciation and gratitude was a golden thread that wove through the consciousness of all Beings on the planet at that time, because they understood that when Nature was in balance, a symbiotic relationship was co-created by and between all species that enabled all Life to thrive.

The Sacred Agreement in the Origins laid forth in co-creation by Creator and the Consciousness of the Whole, set in place the reciprocal and complementary foundation that would be encoded into the genetic memory of all Beings of every species. The Sacred Agreement encoded into all Life was that Mother Earth, Her Elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space, and all of Nature would freely give to all of Life, everything that was needed for all to thrive in harmony and balance. In return for this Gift, the Peoples agreed to care for and nurture all that sustains us alive. This encoding could never be erased or destroyed… but… it could be forgotten if the Peoples lost touch with their gratitude and appreciation for all that was freely given to them, for this forgetting would seriously disrupt the foundational Sacred Principles of complementarity and reciprocity.


“Spirit is speaking through you. Trust the Truth in this message.” Hopi Elder

Remembering Oneness, The Many Faces of Sedona brings the magical spirit of the magnificent red rocks to a heartfelt consciousness that we experience when we take in the beauty of this unique region. Debra Emmanuelle’s photography and writing capture the ancient wisdom of this landscape perfectly.” Carla, Curandera

“The story that the Rock People of Sedona want to share with humanity has implications for all of Life, its preciousness and interconnectedness. This book has come at an auspicious juncture of Earth’s story, with a vital message for all Her inhabitants.” Patricia

“An introspective journey begins amid Debra’s deep connection with Sedona’s red rock formations. Here, the teacher welcomes the student within to hear the Guidance within the seemingly silent whispers of the red rocks.” Marisol

“Debra has such a unique sensitivity to the red rocks in Sedona. You will be deeply moved while reading about her inner conversations with them, as this story comes alive in her glorious photographs! Enjoy!” Jewels

“Debra Emmanuelle is a true spiritual teacher. In these especially beautiful photos, I see her joyful, insightful, and uplifting spirit shining through this book.” Angela