7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence

To learn more and join this FREE event, please visit:


Rest in the Womb of Creation… and Be the Flow

Introductory Videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLrEoReGAMQ

7 Days of Rest – Free Community Offering

January 1-7, 2023, 11:00 am – Noon Eastern Time (US and Canada) each day on Zoom

Remembrance Facilitator: Debra Emmanuelle

Here is a new concept for revisioning our New Year!  Rather than making New Year’s Resolutions on New Year’s Eve and then returning to our normal routine… Let’s start out from the very first day of 2023, doing something different!  The intention behind 7 Days of Rest is to jump-start our minds and hearts into a Higher Realm of perception, that we may see and know ourselves, each other, and the world around us from a more unified and compassionate place within ourselves.  After all, if we truly want to see change in our world, we must be willing to begin the change process from the inside out!

As part of the 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence, Rest in the Womb of Creation… and Be the Flow will take you on a 7-day journey of Remembrance, Healing, and return to Essence.  During each of these 7 gatherings, through guided meditation and visualization, sound healing, and the Power of Love, we will ignite the Fire of Remembrance, and Flow with the Life-giving Waters, to return to Unity with our Mother Earth, Nature, the Universe, ourselves, and each other.

Please join us on Zoom every day beginning on January 1, 2023, through January 7, 2023, from 11:00 AM EDT to 12:00 PM EDT

Zoom Meeting Invitation


 Meeting ID: 817 9780 0072

Passcode: 394076


Daily Focus:  7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence 

Day 1:  Presence (Video not available)

As we rest together within the Womb of Creation, AS the Womb of Creation, our very Presence shifts the Essence of All Life, reawakening our remembrance of Sacred Unity.

Day 2:  Resonance – View Video Recording – https://youtu.be/vqNjxwiRD98)

In remembrance of our Sacred Unity AS the Essence of Life birthed from within the Womb of Creation, we return to a state of pure Resonance with All that is.

Day 3:  Radiance – View Video Recording – https://youtu.be/XUj-sLCRpGA)

Returning to a state of pure Resonance with all that is, we begin to glow with the Essence of Life, radiating Light and Love from within the very Essence of our own Being.

Day 4:   Gratitude – View Video Recording https://youtu.be/rJxI7Lcm0r8)

This return to our first Nature, the Essence of Light and Love, as a Source for those qualities in our own right, causes a Flow of Gratitude and Appreciation for our return to, and Remembrance of our Unity with all Life.

Day 5:   Truth (Video not available)

From within the Consciousness of the Womb of Creation, only Truth and the Power of Love exist.  Awakening and activating our Remembrance of this Truth is an integral part of our Purpose on Earth at this time, and the key to the fulfillment of our Divine Potential.

Day 6:  Clarity –View Video Recording: https://youtu.be/WIKVmLFM5-c

As we move through the process of Remembrance, we begin to touch the Peace that Passeth Understanding, where the clouds of questions begin to melt away, unveiling Clarity.  Clarity is available to us with the Remembrance of Unity.  We Remember that there is no separation – that we are all One and what we do to ourselves, to each other, and to our Mother Earth, we do to the entire Web of Life.

Day 7:   Kinship – View Video Recording: https://youtu.be/pp1Ps_EXjPs

A return to Kinship with All Life is a return to our Origins – to our Original Divine Blueprint AS Pure, Unconditional Love, As the Essence that births, revitalizes, sustains, and nourishes all of Life.  Kinship with all of Life is the Remembrance and the full embodiment of the Original Principles that qualify the Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Aether – of which we too, are formed.