Grief & Loss Support Services

Circle of Grace offers emotional and spiritual support for those in facilities and private homes who are struggling with life’s challenges.  We offer an adjunct service to conventional and hospice care in support of patients, family members, facility staff and private caregivers.

The fine balance of Life and Death – Both are Beautiful!



Support in processing fear and anxiety Relief from distraught patients
A caring presence with no agenda other than to comfort. Reduced patient needs/Reduced caregiver stress
Offering tools to enhance sense of inner peace Less time spent putting out fires
Spiritual & emotional support More peaceful working environment
Non-Judgmental Listening More time for fulfilling other duties
Personalized one-on-one time Calmer Patients/Calmer Caregivers
  • All of the above patient support features are available for facility staff and private caregivers as well


Sedona-Soul-Integration-Sedona-Flagstaff-Cottonwood-Arizona-Energy Healing-Spiritual Counseling-Grief-Loss-Parenting-Support-Wedding-Geopathic Stress Clearing-logo-pic-7Despite the billions of dollars that are invested in new [medical] technologies, the most important intervention that happens in medicine today happens to be its least technological: timely and comprehensive discussions with patients as they near death.  What people need most on this journey is not the promise of the next new technology but rather a guide to help navigate the dark forest in which they will undoubtedly find themselves”

The Conversation, A Revolutionary Plan for End of Life Care. Angelo E. Volandes, M.D.



End of Life Spiritual Support

Circle of Grace  offers one-on-one personalized and group spiritual and emotional support, compassionate listening and guidance for both patients and their caregivers by teaching:
~  Coping skills

~  The ability to accept what one cannot change

~  To embrace a deeper understanding of personal current, day-to-day challenges… and much more…

These adjunct services not only support patients, but ease the work of the health care professionals and family members committed to their care.

For more information, please contact Debra Emmanuelle: +1(978) 602-5375


Chaplain Services


Grief & Loss Support Groups