Separation is a concept. One in which we believe.
A concept which has become the law of the land.
But believing a misconception does not change the
truth. Truth – all life… connected…‘Is.’ [1]
Our world is made up of infinite fractal holographic particles and waves (energy), each complete within
themselves and each part of a greater Whole, a greater Web of Life. The cells within our bodies are functioning units on their own, who find their meaning by serving the greater organism of which they are a part. This greater organism served by the cells in your body, just happens to be You! How would you feel if your cells decided to ignore the needs of the greater organism and just take whatever they needed with no forethought, and no reciprocity?
This is exactly what humans have been doing on the planet for far too long. We are cells on the Planet Earth, who have gone rogue! We have been taking from this planet without forethought and in doing so, we have seriously disrupted the balance of Life on Earth. We are being held accountable for living our lives based on an unconscious culture rather than a culture based on an understanding that what we do to our Mother Earth, we do to ourselves, and what we do to each other, we do to ourselves. When we truly look, with eyes and hearts open, we can see the imbalance we have created in the form of chaos, magnified separation, confusion, and fear. How do we return to balanced Harmony and Peace?
If it is true that we are all energy, and if it is true that all energy must have a source, then we cannot be different from or separate from the source of the energy that enlivens us. All suffering comes from our perception that we are separate from our own Source Energy – it does not matter what we call it. What we want more than anything is to feel connected, accepted, and loved, but our fear that we may be separate from those very qualities, our Source, keeps us from believing that we are even worthy of what we are seeking and most wanting at our core level. Accepting the Law of Oneness helps us to re-member our True Origin – Love. That acceptance helps us to re-member the only true reality, which is that we cannot be separate from our Source – the highest, purest vibration of Divine Love, by the very definition of energy.
A puddle in the middle of an open field without a source to feed it, in the light of day will dry up and cease to be. Our own beliefs, our own perceptions, our own minds are the only things that can separate us from our Source. No one else can have power over us to cause our perception of separation unless we give it to them. Even if we do give it to them, and perceive that we are separate from our Source, it does not change the ultimate truth that we are never separate from our own Source Energy. A belief that something is true, or not, only changes the truth at the level (vibration) of the belief. It does not change what is true at higher levels (vibrations). So, once we realize that we have been believing a belief that is only true at the lower vibratory frequencies of awareness, and we are willing to change that belief, our own vibration automatically shifts to a higher vibration that can accept the new belief.
For example, coming from a large family, I grew up believing that there simply is not enough love to go around, just as others have grown up believing that there is simply not enough money to go around. Whether we are talking about love, money, or anything else, a belief that there is not enough to go around is a belief in lack. In my case, it was important for me to be loved so I made sure that I did everything in my power to perceive that I was loved. This decision translated into my daily life as following the rules (most of the time!), getting good grades in school, helping out at home, etc. However, all of the time that I was being “good” and perceiving that I was loved as a result, I also perceived, with my very limited and inexperienced child-mind, that my brothers and sisters, who followed the rules way less than I did, and therefore were punished way more than I was, were not as loved.
My innocent mind and heart could not even begin to comprehend how a parent could love a child and physically and emotionally hurt them at the same time. It simply did not compute for me, so the only available assumption that remained when my daily reality was that I saw my brothers and sisters being punished regularly, was that they must not be loved. I must admit that there was a part of me that was relieved, because their failure to “see” assured me of my place on the proverbial pedestal. Even as fragile as that pedestal was, it seemed like a safe haven for me as a child. This is important because all of my desire for “goodness” came from a fear of lack – of not being loved – not being worthy of love. Moreover, I suffered powerful unconscious guilt at my perception that I was being loved at the expense of my brother’s and sister’s quality of life. If there is only so much room in the Love Boat and I am taking up precious space, and there cannot be enough room for everyone, (there is not enough love to go around) then someone must be left behind, because I am included.
Of course, I never understood any of this as a child. I was just unconsciously fighting to survive in the best way I knew how. Now as an adult, I can see that I separated from my Source as a result of my fear of not being loveable and my guilt for perceiving that I was loved at the expense of others whom I loved – none of which was actually true. Always having to prove that we are loveable, out of fear that we may not be loveable, while all the time feeling guilty for any love that we may perceive because we fear that we may not even deserve it in the first place, is not only a mouthful, but it is also a lose-lose situation. Real happiness and fulfillment are not possible for anyone who has convinced themselves not only that they must earn love to have it, but that they don’t really deserve it in the first place.
Furthermore, anyone who has fallen into this vicious trap has separated from their Source and must rethink their perspective and beliefs and then rise above them in order to find true freedom. When we believe that we are separated from our Source, we also separate from our truth, from our family, from our knowing, from Love itself, from Nature, from self and from the Universe. We cannot separate and be connected. We are either separate or we are connected, and if we are connected, we are One. The good news is that since the perceived separation is only in our minds, we have the power to change our mind any time we choose. No matter what our perception was yesterday, “Our Point of Power is Now!” [2]
We can always let go of yesterday’s old beliefs when we have learned today that those beliefs are not true and have never actually been true despite our misunderstanding. With this powerful realization, we can adopt new beliefs, based on Truth, to replace the old. Now, I know that I am one with my Source. Now I know that Love is infinite and that the more love is given, the more there is both to give and to receive. Now, I know that vulnerability is not a weakness to be avoided at all costs (old belief = weakness is not loveable) but that being willing to be vulnerable takes strength and courage and builds more of both. Now, I know that I can forgive myself for my past perceptions based in fear, lack of information, lack of understanding, and lack of tools for gaining any of the above. Now, I know that understanding, inner peace and compassion come from a willingness to see things differently, and most importantly, that my willingness to see things differently is all that is needed to shift the vibration of my thoughts from the old ones that deplete me to new ones that enhance me!
The key is to allow the beliefs that we “adopt” at any given time in our lives, to remain fluid. The moment that we latch on to a belief, attach to a belief, and identify it as who we are, it becomes stagnant energy, no longer able to serve us and thus becomes a source of suffering when it is questioned or challenged. When taking on a belief results in the closing of our mind, excluding other beliefs as valid possibilities, that is our indication that our attachment to the belief has caused us to separate from our Source – from each other – even from ourselves.
All perceived judgment and exclusion is valuable information in that it reminds us to reconnect with our Source and to practice the art of detachment so that inclusion remains our focus. If we understand that each time we attach our identity to something other than our Truth – that we have actually separated from that Source – we will clearly understand the source of our distress. Fighting others to be right, and therefore making them wrong, will never correct this imbalance. The correction of imbalance can only be brought about by the restoration of that which was removed from wholeness/Holiness. If we are at war, then clear communication, understanding, cooperation, collaboration, balance, harmony, and peace have been separated, excluded from the whole. The antidote for the suffering caused by our belief in separation, or even our willingness to separate, can only be a re-membering and an ultimate return to union.
In summary, everything corresponds to everything else – with no exceptions. All things that exist, both explicate and implicate, form and formless, without and within, below and above, exist in harmony and agreement with the One Source of All that is. Anything that we perceive to be out of harmony with Goodness, is actually in harmony with Source and designed to support each of us in understanding the difference, that we may choose Goodness, or Oneness over separation in each moment. The Law of Oneness is necessarily inclusive, and therefore includes the Law of Polarity and the plethora of opposites by which we are inundated on a moment to moment basis. All that exists is designed to enhance and magnify our learning potential in the Earth School. Discernment of what supports our Life Force vs. what depletes our Life Force is necessary for total remembrance of All that We are, for the fulfillment of our Potential and the return to Oneness. All is One Cosmic Reality, all things and everyone is connected to and a part of the greater whole. Thus, separation is a man-made illusion.
Everything is connected to everything else. Nothing in the universe exists separately or in isolation. Everything we do, say or believe affects everything else immediately…Each piece contains the whole. [3]
Contemplation and Journaling Questions:
- Have I ever experienced the remembrance of my connection in Oneness with the entire Web of Life? If so, what did this experience teach me?
- How might I invite or continue to deepen and expand the frequency and duration of Oneness experiences?
- How might making it my conscious choice to deepen these experiences benefit me?
- Are there any beliefs or childhood patterns that may be limiting my ability to receive these benefits?
©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.
[1] Roads, Michael J. Talking With Nature. Tiburon, CA: H.J. Kramer, Inc., 1985, 1987.
[2] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. p. 150
[3] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. P.180
39 McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996.
Thank you so much Debra for all your insights and sharing about the Law of Oneness!
Thank you for taking the time to read my Blog, El’elia!