“Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fears; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.”
~ Marianne Williamson, The Law of Divine Compensation
Just as the Law of Polarity extends and expands the Law of Rhythm by providing a vehicle for navigating our movement between the negative and positive polls, The Law of Compensation extends and further complements both of these laws by providing a means of returning to balance. Because all energy seeks its own balance (still point) and completion, wherever balance is disrupted, there must be a movement toward the opposite direction to restore balance. Thanks to the Law of Compensation, the Universal pendulum cannot swing further in one direction than in the opposite direction. Further, the distance of the pendulum swing in one direction determines the distance of the swing to the opposite side. In other words, The deeper the darkness, the higher the potential for Light.
Also an extension of the Law of Reciprocity and the Law of Action, the Law of Compensation furthers the concept that we reap what we sow – no matter what. Whatever energy frequency we put out (or take) is what comes back to us. Whatever we contribute to or take from the Web of Life, is what comes back to us as our like-compensation. We are all, always compensated for our actions. Some may call this Karma, but this Law, as with all Universal Laws, transcends religious beliefs and cuts deeply to the core of Universal Truth and the inner workings of energy, Spirit.
A most simple way of remembering this Law is that what we get out of anything is commensurate with what we put into it. Making a choice to become more aware of how we are participating in our lives is a great place to begin. Since many of us operate at least from time to time on default mode, rather than with conscious awareness and presence, integrating the Law of Compensation into our lives, means paying attention to any unconscious patterns we may be repeating. Paying attention can be as simple as asking ourselves the right questions. Below are some additional examples of questions we can ask ourselves throughout the day to support the process of growing our day-to-day conscious awareness:
- Am I fully present in this moment? If not where am I?
- What is keeping me from being fully present when I am not present?
- Am I fully contributing what I said I would contribute, or what I want to contribute?
- Does this thought or thought pattern serve my Life Force, or does it deplete it?
- Am I doing my best?
- If not, what is keeping me from doing my best?
Becoming aware of the unconscious patterns that keep us from thriving in any given moment, fuels us with the power to create change where change is needed. Remember, every thought, word and deed either enhances our Life Force or depletes it. Our “job” here is to gradually work towards making choices that enhance our Life Force and lift us up to higher levels of consciousness, experiences, and mastery.
Another key feature of this Law is its relationship to the Law of Reciprocity. Clearly, if we are to be compensated for all that we have contributed, we must be ready, willing, and able to receive! Any old thought patterns of unworthiness or not deserving goodness or success will cause us to unconsciously block the otherwise natural fulfillment of the Law of Compensation. Therefore, the continual process of Self-Healing is ongoing throughout our lives, and our willingness to observe our own responses to Life plays a highly significant role in our progress.
Integrity and sincerity play another key role in working with the Law of Compensation. If we volunteer to help another, or an organization, but do it begrudgingly, or because we want something else in return, then the compensation we receive based on this Law will be commensurate more with the energy we put into the task than with the work of the task itself. The Law of Compensation is not about work = money, as most of us have come to accept. It is about an equal energy exchange. The energy we give is compensated with more of the same frequency of energy – atom for atom!. If there are strings attached to our giving, there will be comparable strings attached to our receiving. All Universal Laws are in effect 24/7 and not just when we are “at work”, but encompass how we live our lives and every contribution we make to the greater Web of Life.
Your perception of yourself (your perception of your value and self-worth), your ability to love yourself, and your relationship to your world, especially regarding the potential for manifesting abundance, all play a direct role in your ability to receive the energies that you have earned through your giving. The energies you are able to receive as compensation for your contributions to the Web of Life can show up in infinite ways that you may or may not recognize consciously, so it is critical to remain open and present in each moment. Basically, though, the Universal Compensation in this context is the frequency of Love, which is not only abundant, but shows up as being infinitely available. Love is always available to us and therefore, can always be a choice in any given moment. We do this by Being and living our lives as the frequency of Love. When Gandhi said, “Be the Change.” He could have as easily said, “Be the Love.” As people deepen their understanding of what that really means, change will come more easily and more quickly. Unfortunately, there is a wide diversity in perceptions about what Love is and what is required to live in the frequency of Unconditional Love. For most of us, our experiences of Unconditional Love are woven and entangled with experiences of conditional love, and it is often difficult to differentiate the two seeming polar opposites. To the degree that we are closed or only partially open to giving and receiving love, it is to the same degree that Love will be available to us as compensation.
An important part of the human learning curve is to learn to expand our awareness beyond the purely physical realm, and to be willing to see between the lines, to hear between the silence, and to feel at the level of energy, rather than reacting to our emotions and triggers. The more time we are able to spend in Pure Thought and Pure Presence, the more consistent will be the compensation we receive for our time and energy contributions.
“Your compensation is sacred and requires your acceptance of it to maintain the balance of giving and receiving by the Universe within the Universe.” ~ John Smith
Gaining an understanding of the Law of Compensation can be of great support in reminding us that every action and interaction is a Sacred exchange. As we consciously choose to reclaim the Sacredness of Life, we open ourselves to a new level of awareness, motivation, and willingness to be accountable for every choice we make.
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no person can sincerely try to help another without helping him or herself. Serve and you shall be served. If you love and serve people, you cannot, by any hiding or stratagem, escape the renumeration.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Questions for Contemplation:
- “Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fears; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Please share with your classmates a situation you have witnessed or an experience where you became aware of how your thoughts have bound you, how your fears have limited you, or how your beliefs have controlled you.
- A most simple way of remembering this Law is that what we get out of anything is commensurate with what we put into it. Please share a time when this principle worked in your favor – and one where it did not work in your favor. What have you learned from these experiences?
- Becoming aware of the unconscious patterns that keep us from thriving in any given moment, fuels us with the power to create change where change is needed. Where is change needed in your life? What new awareness can fuel this change?
- Love is always available to us and therefore, can always be a choice in any given moment. Has this class deepened your understanding of this statement? Please explain.
©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.
Thank you for the gift of you!! Your wisdom has been well received by me!!
Thank you Gail! It has been a Joy to have your Presence in the classes!