In addition to the aforementioned Laws of the Universe, there are basic Universal Principles that are foundational to the workings of the

Universe.  In The Revelation of the Kybalion Tractate: Seven Truths Expanding to Twelve, the “revelation” is that humanity has progressed in our evolution to the point where we have transcended and expanded through the older system based on the number seven, to a more highly evolved system that is based on the number twelve.  Instead of the basic seven chakras, many of us have now expanded to twelve or more working, activated energy centers.  Our genetic coding is in the process of receiving the activation of all twelve DNA strands, increasing our potential in all areas of our lives.  As we evolve in these ways, we will also begin activating and accessing a higher percentage of our brain (Mind) capacity, rather than the average 10% we have previously accessed.  My sense is that as we do this, we graduate from mind to Mind!

What I mean by this is that we already know humanity has been using a small fraction of its total brain capacity.  Though we are “wired” with much greater potential, there are very few who have ever intentionally access 100% of their Mind’s potential.  Therefore, confined to the “lower mind capacity”, we have been limited to only that which is accessible from a “separation” perspective.  I believe that the only way to unlock the other 90% of our Higher Mind capacity is by accessing the Wisdom of the Heart.

It is opening our Hearts that ultimately unlocks and opens our Minds, for Love is the Master Key!

The old system ruled under the Piscean Age was based on mind as the ultimate creative force.  Having moved now into the Age of Aquarius, as we look back at the Piscean era, we can see that, although this was a necessary stage through which humanity had to pass, it was missing the quality of “Heart.”  During the Piscean Age, humanity learned what happens when a species becomes imbalanced from separating mind from heart.  Though humanity has expanded intellectually over the last 2000 years, this singular focus on mind, without regard to Heart has brought imbalance to our entire planet, including every ecosystem on it.

Intellect without heart may be “smart”, but “smart” without Heart is not Wise.

By losing our connection to Heart, humanity has now learned what separation of the heart does to an individual ecosystem (including our human bodies), to a family, a community, a nation, and a world.  Having learned this, we are now ready to transcend this level of suffering to a higher awareness and quality of Wholeness.  We now know that Wholeness cannot be experienced through separation, and that the Heart and the Mind are meant to work together in harmonic balance.  Knowing a concept is not enough.  It must be lived intentionally to become our reality and to change the quality of our experiences.

Therefore, the first of the five new principles of the Aquarian Age is that of “Loving.”  Notice that each of these principles is written with an “ing” ending.  This is intentional, as it is the living of these principles that is now necessary as opposed to knowing them conceptually.  Love is a concept, whereas “Loving” is an active state of being.  This difference is highly significant if we are to truly find the way to embody these qualities as fundamental ways of being.  The basic meaning of the principle of Loving is that the Sacred Heart is at the center of All That Is.  Therefore, in order to align with this new principle and the laws that it governs, we must use this as an active principle in our daily lives, offering ourselves to love, as Love Itself in action, through our awakened memory of our True Identity, and our willingness to fully claim that Identity.  It is up to us to ensure that all that we think, say, do, and are expands this quality of Loving.  This includes how we think of ourselves, how we treat each other and how we treat the planet on which we live – including all Life that calls this Earth its home, and Gaia, Mother Earth herself.  This principle of Loving is the key to true Divine Unification – the transcendence of duality by returning to Oneness.

The mental construct has been the cause of inharmonious relationship between self and other. The Heart Truth Reunifies All. It is that simple, it is that True and it is that Profound. The All is Heart.”

                      ~ The Revelation of The Kybalion Tractate, Arizona Living Light

The second new principle is the Principle of Giving.  This principle distinguishes giving from the mind (which often creates disharmony), from giving from the heart.  When we give from the heart, give in love, the Law of Transmutation takes effect, and all is transmuted to Love-Wisdom.  Accessing the Love-Wisdom that resides deep within our hearts transcends ego, re-awakening and re-coding our DNA strands, that we may return to our original Pure state, before limitation and contamination ever existed.

The third law of the Aquarian Age is the Principle of Sharing.  Sharing from the heart, in Love, is considered the prime energy required in aligning with Source and for our ultimate Ascension.  This Principle is ultimately the building block of Abundance.  If I have something and I share it with you and others, then we all have it!  I don’t lose anything when I share with you – we all gain.  Sharing is the ultimate win-win; it is how we create, nurture, and cultivate Abundance – together.  This is how we remember, embrace, and live our Oneness.  No one can share anything all by themselves.  We need each other to reach this level of Beingness.

The fourth aspect of Aquarian Truth is the Principle of Trusting.  Again, moving from Trust as a concept to Trusting, as a way of being, catapults us from the mind to the heart and this leap puts us into another whole dimension of awareness and surrender to Source.  This level of Trusting goes beyond “Blind Trust” and even beyond Trusting others, to Trusting the infinite power of Love within us, as the most powerful force, and Source that exists anywhere.  We must trust with certainty, the Giving, Sharing and Receiving of Infinite, Absolute, Divine Unconditional Love in its Purest form, that flows directly from Source. Divine surrender is not giving up control or power, or anything else – it is simply letting go of all that is not Pure within us.  Above all, it is letting go of any resistance we may still be carrying, to embracing our Oneness with a Power greater than ourselves, as ourSelves.  When we offer ourselves, both our minds and our hearts to Divine Love, there is no sacrifice in surrender, but a strengthening, an assurance, a synchronicity, and a Sacred Power that is greater than we ever could have imagined!

The last of these principles is  Truth. When we are living the above four principles, those of Loving, Giving, Sharing and Trusting, then we access Truth in its highest form.  Indeed, living the first 4 principles is the only way to access and Know[1] the higher-level Truths of the Universe. Living in the knowing of this Truth brings us into balance, harmony, and peace with the Oneness we have come here to remember.

Many of us have learned that trusting others can sometimes put us in a precarious place of raw vulnerability.  Moreover, determining whom to trust can be both exhausting and confusing.  However, when we return to our Center to access our Remembrance of the Love that we are, while simultaneously tapping into to our capacity for intuitive knowing, we claim the Truth of our Being.  This level of Self-acceptance transcends self-doubt and all uncertainty, bringing us in to an active state of Knosis.  One explanation for the word Knosis is the capacity to Know Truth.  The moment that we recognize that all humans have the capacity to Know Truth, and we are willing to remember how to access that ability, we are Free!

How do we do this?  We remember how to recognize Truth in our Hearts.  We have all done this one time or another, and therefore, we know what it feels like when we do it.  That beautiful and warm feeling of relief and ease and resonance is what we are looking for. The moment we choose to access Truth is the moment we slip on our own Ruby Slippers, as Dorothy did in the Wizard of Oz.

This is how we remember to return Home within ourselves!

Sometimes, when we access Truth, we experience fear.  This is because aligning with Truth in a world that would rather shove the Truth under the rug, can feel risky and requires courage.  It is just as important to acknowledge and embrace the Truth in our fear as it is to acknowledge and embrace the warm and fuzzy feeling kind of Truth.  Either way, we will not find fulfillment until we find the courage to accept, embrace and live our Truth – no matter what that Truth may be and no matter how much fear it’s Presence may evoke.

If we can accept and trust that Truth knows how to change (In the context, change means expand.), and we root that trust in Faith that the Natural Laws are Truth, then the next level of acceptance is that everything that happens is part of a Universal unfolding process that is founded in the expansion of Truth in a never-ending desire for fulfillment, to Know itself as Love.  Finding the Joy in the freedom that this process brings is what drives our desire for fulfillment.  This is our process of Joyous Becoming!


Questions for Contemplation:

  1. Love is a concept, whereas “Loving” is an active state of being. This difference is highly significant if we are to truly find the way to embody these qualities as fundamental ways of being. 

How does this awareness of the possibility of shifting your concept of Love to an active state of being that informs your “doing”, shift                your own potential?


  1. Putting the Principle of Giving into action, how does giving from the Heart support your awakening process?


  1. The Principle of Sharing is ultimately the building block of Abundance. Please explain your understanding of this statement and its potential to shift your reality into one of Abundance.


  1.   What must you surrender in order to fully embrace the Principle of Trusting?


5. In Light of your new understanding of your Life based on the Universal Laws, has your understanding and acceptance of your own                    Unfolding Process, your Becoming changed? Please explain.



©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.

[1] [Knosis – derived from the Greek word “gnosis” (nō-səs), is specifically defined as “esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation” (Merriam-Webster, 2016)]