To see a world in a grain of sand
And a Heaven in a wildflower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
– William Blake, Auguries of Innocence
Through the Law of Analogy, or correspondences, the cosmic processes, and the nature of the cosmic principles are indicated in the functions, structure and characteristics of the human being. They are indicated but not explained or elaborated. They serve simply as sign posts, directing man along the path whereon future sign posts may be found and more definite indications noted. [1]
~ A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey
Each of the Universal Laws we are addressing in this course is like a signpost leading you to each subsequent signpost along your path. Further, each Law is connected to, amplified by, and Complementary to every other Law, and all of Life.
As Milanovich and McCune explain this law: “The term ‘correspondence’ (corresponding) implies that all things existing within the plains of existence [Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual], whether seen or unseen, exist in harmony or agreement with the All. There is only Oneness and this idea is critical to absorb.” [2]
As far back as, the late 1700s, William Blake understood this concept, and it is important to keep in mind that every human being on this planet holds this knowing within them. Even now, however, we are still in the process of shifting our awareness from mechanistic, reductionistic thinking, where “matter gives rise to mind” and “consciousness [thinking] emerges from matter such as the brain.” [3]
There has been a series of significant, paradigm-changing events throughout history that have caused humanity to set this internal, natural programming aside for more modern concepts and beliefs. As we begin to understand this history, we come to understand how humanity has separated from our trust in the Natural Laws of the Universe, replacing our “First Nature” with more updated, science-based thinking, our Second Nature.
The next paradigm shift that caused a corresponding shift in consciousness was when Descartes proposed the separation of church and state. This level of thinking, where science was assign the task of controlling the physical world, leaving the church to deal with the mind/spirit view of the world, changed our perspective of both of these worlds, magnifying our perception of separation. Science’s business, in other words, became the control of matter, while the church’s business became the control of our Spirits, our Souls. All the theories, rules, dogma since then, have been created, targeted toward, and based upon this line of thinking. According to Melanovich and McCune, rather than basing our science on the premise that our thoughts arise from matter, the new physics, metaphysics, “reverses the original premise and says that mind gives rise to matter, since the basic energy of the universe is consciousness.” [4]
Though this new, metaphysical perspective is becoming more widely accepted, the effect of this understanding has not yet fully shifted our paradigm. However, we are in the midst of this shift and the effect we are feeling to date, is chaos, as the old paradigm breaks apart. As this breaking apart continues (with our support!), the breakdown of the old will birth the breakthrough into the New, and our world will shift dramatically (in natural correspondence/complementarity). May this understanding, this knowing, give you the Grace to transcend this breakdown time, that you may flourish in the breakthrough! This is the power of the Law of Correspondence. Because we are beginning to understand that Mind gives rise to matter, we know that our inner thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are reflected and outwardly projected into our world. Therefore, as our Minds open and embrace Truth at the highest levels, our world must change accordingly. It is the Law!
“The so-called miraculous powers of the great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness.” ~ Paramahansa Yogananda
“When individuals are established in universal consciousness, they live the scientific reality of the unity of life spontaneously in accord with all the laws of nature. This experience alone will transform our collective reality – our human civilization to one of unity, peace, and harmony.” ~ John Hagelin
If we are to view our world, our lives and our existence holistically, from a Unified perspective, we must have an understanding of the concept that the Universe is holographic:
A hologram is a photographic image that projects a three-dimensional image, which shows various views and images depending on the perspective. Contained within each small part of the whole is the whole itself. [5]
Another way of saying this is that a hologram is the encoding of a higher dimension into a lower dimension. Every small part of existence contains the coding or blueprint of the highest dimensions, the highest potential within the Universe. If the Universe is holographic, then everything created by and contained within the Universe is also holographic. Every molecule within all of existence carries the blueprint (DNA/RNA) for the fullest expression of itself as Infinite Divinity. As it turns out, an important part of our “job” as human beings is to experience as much as we can as we move along the Polarity continuum, to activate our memory of our Infinite Divinity. The purpose this activation serves is to reawaken, re-mind humanity here on Earth while still in physical form, that we may infuse, or unify our Infinite Divine Potential with matter. Thus, we have the Power to return everything to its Sacred Perfection, including ourselves. This very act transmutes old paradigms into new ones, shifting not only our individual frequencies and our Potential, but that of all Life, our Mother Earth… and all this energy ripples out to all of Existence.
If All That Is is truly holographic, then nothing and no one is separate from anything or anyone else. Depending upon our perception, we may not “see” the connection of All contained within the Whole, but that limited point of view does not change the interconnectedness of All That Is. As we have already discussed, our inability or unreadiness to perceive a Truth, does not necessarily make it an untruth. When we begin to understand that what we do to others, we do to ourselves, and what we do to nature, we do to ourselves, we will begin to take due responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. This understanding and our acceptance of this understanding will change our perception of our world forever. This change in perception has the ability to transform our world by returning each individual’s creative power back to its rightful owner.
We each already hold the potential to realize our creative power to actualize “Heaven on Earth.” We seem to fall short in accepting this responsibility and our fear in accepting it, is only due to our lack of understanding of the natural laws and how, together, they weave our potential reality. These laws are the root of all co-creation with and in the Universe. When we co-create with an understanding of the way creation works, then we create lives that are happy and fulfilled. When we co-create through default – and we are co-creating either way – most of the time we create lives that are not fulfilling our highest potential and not necessarily happy, because we feel powerless to change our circumstances. The reality that we experience life with all its perceived limitations is only a result of our limited thinking. As we understand, accept, embrace, and live these laws as our truth, we will know more balance, peace, harmony, and love than we have ever known before.
All that we experience, every thought, emotion, situation and our respective responses to them, are a delicately woven cloth that we have co-created to facilitate our own evolution. If we are here to learn/remember that we are Love, then we must necessarily endure the pain of knowing what life feels like when Love is not present in our experience. Once we have suffered as a result of our separation from Love, then we have undergone the needed training that allows us to make choices that always include Love. This training also opens our hearts to a greater capacity for compassion. When we encounter those who are still immersed in their experience of the separation from Love, since we know how difficult that experience is, we can hold them in compassion without taking their vibration of separation personally, or judging them (In reality, it has nothing to do with is anyway.). Holding a vibration of Love in their presence, gives them too, permission to open and evolve beyond separation.
The Law of Correspondence is really quite simple: Treat others as you would want to be treated because you are part of them, and they are part of you. Not only are we a part of each other, but every part of the Whole is designed to complement every other part. The Law of Complementarity is the epitome of the concept of Unity in Diversity.
Every cell within us contains intelligence and the whole pattern of our essence. We are beings with interacting systems which make up our wholeness. Similarly, we are part of others and of the world around us. There is a basic wisdom and knowledge within the universe which is beyond our physical reality. We are maturing into a species that must understand that we are part of a whole, finely tuned ecosystem, each part connected to and affecting the other parts. [6]
As each of us is an integral part of a larger whole, each thought “thunk” by each of us affects the larger whole. We each place our bet (what we have to offer – our thoughts and beliefs) into a kitty in the middle of an invisible table, so to speak. This combined kitty, containing the sum-total of everyone’s contribution is what we call “mass consciousness.” Obviously, the size and quality of the kitty, mass consciousness, depends upon each individual’s contribution. People who believe that they have nothing to offer, who believe they have no power, contribute negative thinking, disempowering energy, into the middle. If more people are contributing negative thinking than the number of people contributing positive thinking, as you can imagine, the mass consciousness becomes a heavy umbrella of clouds blocking the light and clarity of day.
There is a popular Eagles song lyric,
There’s a hole in the world tonight.
There’s a cloud of fear and sorrow.
There’s a hole in the world tonight.
Don’t let there be a hole in the world tomorrow.
We can heal this “hole” (whole) any time we want, once we understand that healing on all levels begins with each one of us. As each of us begins to take responsibility for our own contribution to the Web of Life, creating a desire within us to make a positive contribution to the kitty, the Greater Whole, thus having a positive impact on the overall result, then the heaviness begins to give rise to sunshine, burning off the clouds and fog so that we may walk our path in balance, peace, harmony, love and light. Isn’t that ultimately what we all want? Understand these laws and apply them to your life in each moment, and this will be your discovery! In realizing your Oneness with All That Is, you become the conscious creator/co-creator of not only your highest dreams and your highest potential, but that of the Greater Whole at the same time. If you knew that you had this choice, why would you accept anything less?
These three aspects [life-consciousness-form] are seen in man, the divine unit of life. First he recognizes them in himself; then he sees them in every form in the environment, and finally he learns to relate these aspects of himself to the similar aspects in other forms of divine manifestation. Correct relation between forms will result in the harmonizing and right adjustment of physical plane life. Correct response to one’s environment will result in correct rapport with the soul aspect, hidden in every form, and will produce right relations between the various parts of the inner nervous structure to be found in every kingdom of nature, subhuman and superhuman. This is as yet, practically unknown but is rapidly coming into recognition, and when it is proven and realized it will be discovered that therein lies the basis of brotherhood and of unity. As the liver, the heart, the lungs, the stomach and other organs in the body are separate in existence and in function and yet are unified and brought into relation through the medium of the nervous system throughout the body, so will it be found that in the world such organisms as the kingdoms in nature have their separate lives and functions yet are correlated and coordinated by a vast intricate sensory system which is sometimes called the soul of all things, the anima mundi, the underlying consciousness. [7]
Every living being plays a significant role in complementing the Whole and every other part of the Whole. Each being on this Earth carries a Sacred Medicine to support the healing of the hole in the world. Embracing a deepened understanding of the Law of Complementarity could dissolve all separation, racism, prejudice, judgment, and disrespect on this planet. As we sharpen and strengthen our understanding and our faith in the way the Universal Laws work, we also strengthen and unify our will, our desire, our values, and our intention toward realizing our heart’s desire. Open to your potential and your potential opens to you! We can choose to live our lives, each moment, holding a commitment both to ourselves and to the Greater Whole to be open to contributing to that “Whole” in a positive way. We have only to authentically say to ourselves, “Open says me!” and like magic – Abra Cadabra! – we are open.
Questions for Contemplation:
- How does an understanding of the Law of Complementarity shift or deepen your understanding of the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”?
- As a hologram of the world, what is the hole within you that your Sacred Medicine can heal, returning you to Wholeness?
- What Sacred Medicine do you carry that could support the healing of the hole in the world?
- How does your understanding of the Law of Complementarity bring more Balance and Harmony into your awareness for your Life?
©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.
[1] Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on White Magic. New York, N.Y.: Lucis Publishing Company, 1934.
[2] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. p.181
3 Ibid., p. 179
4 Ibid., p. 179
5 Ibid., p. 179
[6] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. p. 180
[7] Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on White Magic. New York, N.Y.: Lucis Publishing Company, 1934. P.21
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