Inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which one vibrates. This is truth. One’s vibrational rate is a frequency. This inner frequency creates a signal that is emitted outward. Once emitted, this begins to draw to it
other things that reside on that same frequency. What is hidden within will dictate what will appear on the outside. [1]
This Law is based on the truth that all vibration attracts unto itself that which is like itself. This law is a built-in assurance that as we begin to remember Self (which is like Source), we will be more and more attracted to vibrations that are like Source, and ultimately, reinforce who we really are. That is why some of us are more attracted to environments and people that inspire growth, love, and light than others.
The concept of like attracts like is best illustrated by the example of tuning forks. When a specific vibration is struck on one fork, other tuning forks will instantly begin to vibrate at a matching frequency. When we understand that human beings, are also tuning forks, this analogy takes on new meaning. This phenomenon is truly one of our best reminders that we are all connected within one world, one galaxy, One Universe!
Everything that we put out, whether conscious or unconscious, (words, thoughts, emotions, judgments, etc.) is like a boomerang and comes right back to us only magnified. Remember? What goes around comes around. What you focus on, you get more of. And, as we reap, so shall we sow. The Law of Attraction combines and extends the Law of Oneness, the Law of Cause and Effect (Divine Justice), the Law of Correspondence (Complementarity) and the Law of Vibration. Whatever frequency we are vibrating at any given moment is the only frequency that we can attract back to us in that moment.
It is common knowledge even in conventional scientific and medical arenas that our bodies emit electromagnetic energy which creates a measurable electromagnetic field around each of us. Because this electromagnetic field is magnetic, it embodies the principle of attraction/repulsion that is basic to all life. This field attracts to itself other energy like itself. As mentioned earlier, if we are saying one thing but thinking another, or even intending something altogether different, then our energy vibration will match that which is going on in the inside. It follows then, that what we attract to us, based upon our vibration, will match our innermost thoughts, no matter what we are saying outwardly.
A System of Checks and Balances
With an additional understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect, we can then look at what we are attracting into our lives and rethink our inner world when what we are attracting to ourselves is not what we say we are wanting. When we understand these laws and how they work, it is easy to see how it becomes a foolproof system of checks and balances that is truly a Gift. Without an understanding of these Laws, however, we can and often do, feel like victims of our circumstances. Have you ever tried to play a new game in which the other people playing knew the rules, but you did not? Do you remember how frustrating it was until you understood the rules of the game? Well, these are the rules to the Game of Life, and your understanding of them, or not, will greatly impact your experience of Life.
This system of checks and balances is fascinating not only because we attract to us more of whatever we are vibrating (so that we cannot help but to see the tangible evidence of exactly what we are vibrating), but also because we attract to us those people and circumstances that will help us to learn to think thoughts that will take us to a higher vibration. This Law is one of the greatest Gifts that we have to assist us in evolving our Souls so that we may realize our highest potential.
An illustration here may be helpful: Many years ago, it was my perception that my partner more or less cornered me into doing something that I really did not want to do. I did not speak up, however, and tell him how I felt, mostly because there were other people involved and I did not want to make them uncomfortable. I left to do the “errand” feeling extremely angry that he was expecting me to do something that I felt was his responsibility. Less than five miles from home my car completely died with no prior warning and just stopped in the middle of the road. As it turned out, what had seemed to be a perfectly good transmission, just quit on me. The car, already twelve years old, with more than one hundred eighty thousand miles, was not worth the two to three thousand dollar transmission replacement, so suddenly… I had no car.
How did I attract this? It is important for me to say that my intention in this relationship was to learn unconditional love. Learning to love another unconditionally means learning a number of other prerequisites beyond simply learning to love and accept another unconditionally. First of all, I had to learn to love myself unconditionally before I could offer that to him. I also had to learn to let go of expectations and learn to shift gears more easily from one moment to the next. Learning to be more patient, to slow down and breathe when my “engine was revving” was also part of my lesson in this learning package that I had set up for myself. Because I was NOT shifting gears gracefully – far from it – the Universe was telling me that if I continued in that way, I would burn out. Rather than using my own body to teach me what I needed to learn, the Universe used my car which was relatively easily replaceable. For that, I am grateful!
Another example of the Law of Attraction happened when President George W. Bush declared war on Iraq. I was watching the news one morning while making my typical morning cup of tea. As I poured the boiling water into the same cup I have used for tea for countless mornings, the cup spontaneously split into three pieces! Already frustrated from listening to the news on T.V., I threw the cup away, cleaned up the spilled water, and made my tea using another cup. The next morning, the exact same thing happened, and then again on the third morning. They say the third time is a charm, and I really liked those cups, so I finally sat down, took a deep breath, and checked in. What I learned from doing this was that I was picking up so much negativity from watching a televised war that I did not at all agree with, that I was reeking of that energy. The televised war became my “tuning fork” and, by default, I just naturally entrained with that frequency. Because the war frequency did not resonate with who I am, it was trying to move through me and out; however, my resistance to it was causing the energy I was picking up to attract even more like energy. The excess, unconscious anger and negativity that I had picked up from watching the news was gradually causing me to feel more and more powerless in the bigness of it all. It was the movement of the excess energy and my resistance to it, that had caused the cups to break.
This is a great lesson in paying attention to the energy of our surroundings and how the energy “outside ourselves” is impacting our own energy. It is amazing how much we can pick up from those people and situations that create our environment and overall experiences without even realizing it. When we choose to turn on the television, we are choosing to expose ourselves to and to be impacted by, the energy of whatever we are watching. Whether we are aware of it or not, what we are watching will affect our vibration and therefore attract experiences that come as a result of that vibration. This is as true, if not even more true with children, so it is crucial that we monitor what our children watch on television as well as the computer games that they play.
In a Sunday school class one day, I was sitting in circle with children ranging from ages 5 – 10 years. We were all checking in, and one little seven-year-old boy checked in by saying very matter-of-factly, “I am feeling rather violent today.” When I asked him why, he said that it was because he had watched a violent show with his parents, on T.V. the night before. I was amazed that at seven years old, he was able to so easily articulate, and understand the source of his feelings. Though we as adults know that what we see on TV is only simulated violence, unfortunately, our children do not know the difference, and they experience what they are watching as if it were really happening. For the most part, however, neither the parents nor the children realize how much these exposures to violence are affecting the vibrations, the minds, and the hearts of our precious children, not to mention their own. Though medications can be helpful to some children, many children don’t need more medications to quell their anger and hyper-activity. They need to be seen and heard for whom they are, with more nurturing, more consistent unconditional love, more time in Nature, and less exposure to violence.
My hope is that these personal examples will support you in gaining a deeper understanding of our responsibility in partnering with the Laws of the Universe. This is a continual learning process, and… when we are paying attention, consciously and intentionally working toward transcending our own personal default modes, whatever they may be, we can leave behind old patterns that no longer serve us. In this process, over time, we learn to become Masters of our own thoughts, words and actions, and ultimately, Masters of our own evolution, growth and potential!
We must learn to vigilantly monitor our thoughts and inner most feelings if we want to become masters of our lives and experience the good that is available to us. But have no fear – when we don’t, the Universe will send us the appropriate opportunities so that we may experience all that is necessary to continue our evolutionary growth process – one way or another!
Questions for Contemplation:
- Describe an experience when the Law of Attraction in action reaped (a) unanticipated and unwanted results, (b) positive results.
- In your sensitivity to the energy of your surroundings, how can working with the Law of Attraction help you in remaining more balanced?
- What is one area of your life where you would like to work more effectively with this Law? Why?
- How does an understanding of this Law support you in your evolutionary growth process?
©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.
[1] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996 p. 207
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