Without pain, joy becomes shallow. Without ’falling to earth,’ there can be no transcendent flight. [1]
Michael J. Roads, Talking with Nature
One of the basic laws of physics is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Another name for this is the “Law of Polarity,” which exemplifies the dual nature of our existence. The dualities of “good vs. bad,” “black vs. white,” “dark vs. light,” “sad vs. happy,” “rich vs. poor,” etc., are part of our awareness constantly. Since e-motion is actually energy in motion, the Law of Polarity applies to all levels of our existence, including our emotions and thoughts. We have learned that there is an opposite to every emotion – an infinite continuum of everything we could possibly feel and/or experience in each moment of our lives. Which of these emotions we actually feel or experience in any given moment depends upon many factors, the most influential of which is our thought(s) in that moment. Since our thoughts virtually birth our emotions, the emotions we feel are based upon those thoughts just prior to the rise of the emotion. By using techniques of mindful awareness (conscious choice), coupled with energetic clearing, we can consciously choose thoughts that create supportive, strengthening emotions, as opposed to being in default mode and continually feeling emotions that suck the Life Force right out of us. In other words, every thought that we think, and then feed, has the power to heal and revitalize us or drain and deplete us. Thus, with conscious awareness, we have the power to turn our minds either into “healing machines of freedom” or into destructive prisons. It is up to us.
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.” ~ The Kybalion
No matter on which end of the polarity continuum we are focusing, or whether we are judging our perception of that as good or bad, a recognition of these opposite poles is significant in the meaning that each seemingly opposing force gives to its seeming adversary. Light would have no meaning without darkness because we would have no reference point for what the lack of light looked like, or felt like. This is similarly true with every word or concept that has an opposite. Like the colors mentioned earlier, any set of opposing beliefs, emotions or words in general, appear to be separate entities in and of themselves. However, they are actually different frequencies of the same vibrational continuum. If the Law of Oneness is Truth, then this previous sentence must also be Truth.
For example, between hot and cold, there are many values of warm, lukewarm and cool. We can even expand the polarity to the extremes from freezing to scalding, with all of the possible variations of temperature in between. Vibrationally, all opposites are just two extremes of the same frequency, or different hues of the same color. A lack of heat is required in order for cold to exist, just as a lack of Love is required for hatred to exist. Our free will gives us the power to move along these continuums freely with awareness, and to determine where we want to focus our attention, which in turn, determines our experiences. When we use our awareness and our will together to perceive when there is a lack of Love (or anything else, for that matter), we can simply choose to be the source for the vibration that is missing, introducing it back into the equation/situation we are witnessing.
Transcending Judgment
If you live in the Northern hemisphere, you may love spending time outdoors in the winter, skiing, skating, making snow figures, or just walking through the woods after a newly fallen snow, but you may also love the summertime, doing very different warmer weather activities. Here you have two opposite ends of the spectrum, and you can see that it is possible to love them both. The more flexibly we can move along these continuums in our awareness, without judging them as good or bad, the more peaceful lives we will lead.
If it is your perception that you have a valid reason for being sad, say the death of a loved one, you may choose to allow yourself to feel this sadness until it no longer serves you to grieve. Grief is indeed an important part of the healing process after loss of any kind; however, it does not serve us it become attached to the bridge. Grief is meant to serve as a bridge supporting us in moving from one phase of our lives to the next. Gaining a higher vibrational understanding of death and its relationship to the evolutionary process of our souls can be an invaluable support in learning to transcend the more conventional perspective that death is loss and therefore bad or wrong. From the perspective of the Greater Whole, the human cycle of birth and death is no different from the same cycle in all of Nature. It is simply an integral and necessary aspect of the phases of this cycle and appears in every level of life, from the microscopic all the way out to the planets, stars, and galaxies.
Recognizing also that we have the ability to change our awareness in any given moment to another point on the continuum that feels better (this is the correct use of will), is a powerful way to stay in balance and harmony within ourselves and with our environment. If you have dark blue and you want light blue, all you have to do is add white (light) to get to the shade that you want. Similarly, if you are sad and you decide that this vibration is not serving you, then all you have to do is visualize the darker blue in your mind’s eye and then visualize adding light to it, with your intention. As you let yourself receive this white light – and you must consciously allow this receiving – you can actually “see” the dark blue becoming lighter. Your experience is less sadness, more peace, and possibly even more joy.
In this dualistic world, our perception of opposites is just that – only our perception. Opposites are merely different expressions of the same quality, only in different degrees. Since this is true with all opposites, the gift in this Law is that we can change our experience of any quality by choosing where along the continuum we want to place our focus. There are no mistakes, so no matter which frequency along this vibrational continuum we find ourselves exploring in any given moment, and no matter what that frequency feels like, there is a gift to be found there, because there is wisdom to be found there. If we are willing to stay there long enough to truly accept, understand, and know that frequency, feeling our Oneness with it, we will come to understand how any and every particular frequency impacts our cellular, molecular and atomic structure. We have all come to know how the frequency of sadness feels, how the frequency of anger feels, how the frequency of joy feels, etc…. As we learn how the matter within our bodies responds to various energy frequencies on a first-hand basis, we will discover the Gift in this Wisdom. A critical criteria for returning to Oneness (choosing to transcend Polarity) is the acceptance that all parts of the Whole serve a vital purpose – that every part of the Whole, when acknowledged and honored, is Sacred Medicine to heal the Source of all perceived separation.
Since all things contain the principle of polarity within them, then all things can be changed. The way things are changed is by directing the ‘charge’ of energy along the continuum that resides between the two polarities. It is that simple. The power of the mind, which controls the emotions is the key to understanding that ALL THINGS CAN BE CHANGED. The first step in change is CHOOSING TO DO SO. [2]
Since all that we experience is an energy frequency that we can choose to change, one of the easiest ways to do that is to simply choose to shift our own frequency to a higher one. As we perceive the same experience from a higher perspective, our response can also be shifted to align with the higher perspective.
“Everything in the Universe is what it is by virtue of its rate of vibration.
Change the rate of vibration and you change the nature, quality and form.”
~ Charles E. Haanel, The Master Key System
Questions for Contemplation:
- ”… every thought that we think has the power to heal and revitalize us or drain and deplete us.” How can you use this statement as a valuable tool for strengthening your awareness of your responses to life?
- Do you believe it is possible for you to transcend judgment? Why or Why not?
- Does using the metaphor of the color spectrum help you in deepening your understanding of the Polarity continuum of opposites? How so?
- How does gaining a new understanding of the Law of Polarity support you in embracing the power within you to be a change-maker in your own life?
©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.
[1] Roads, Michael J. Talking With Nature. Tiburon, CA: H.J. Kramer, Inc., 1985, 1987. p.148
[2] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. p.230
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