The universe is made up of two principles, yin and yang… otherwise known as

feminine and masculine.  This law states that these two principles reside in

all things and it is through these principles that humanity is able to create…

In the understanding of this law comes the union of the Divine. [1]


In the beginning of time and matter, Consciousness expanded its Presence as waves of energy, infusing itself into particles, atoms and molecules, in the form of two seeds –negatively charged seeds and positively charged seeds.  The natural magnetic attraction and repulsion of these opposing electromagnetic charges created a tension between seemingly opposing forces.  The Point of Tension created in this process is the building block of Creation Itself – an absolutely necessary component of Creation.  When we feel this Point of Tension in our lives, an understanding of this Law offers us a Divine Invitation to create something new.

The Law of Gender has little to do with men and women specifically and everything to do with that which makes up the substance of all of Life.

Regardless of what term is used, these two principles are found in every subatomic particle in the universe, and comprise the foundation for creation itself.  [2]

In languages like Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, every word that exists in these languages is either masculine or feminine. There is no neuter gender as there is in Latin and English.  There is a subtle, core wisdom at the foundation of the “active romance” languages that is missed by most modern linguists.   All life, all matter, everything that exists, seen or unseen, when broken down into its smallest components, is driven by the tension that exists in the electromagnetic charges at the atomic and sub-atomic levels. The existence of the Original Seeds that were intended to be the very substance, the foundation of all matter, are the Remembrance Seeds for the Highest Potential for Life – when and only when – we are willing to allow the resulting Point of Tension, to inform and Guide the unfolding of our own Highest Potential.  Without the necessary building blocks of substance itself, how could there be any substance?

These foundational or Seed electrical charges are either negative/feminine or positive/masculine.  It is only in the coming together, in the union of these two fundamental principles of Life, that neutral (Sacred Union) is even possible.  It is the interaction of these charges that creates and moves all Life. Indeed, without these polar-opposite charges, Life as we know it could not exist at all.   Within our beings, we have literally billions of electrically charged particles, each looking to complete itself by unifying with its polar opposite.  When a positive particle joins with a negative particle, a neutral charge is achieved, and the particle becomes stable and complete.  Positive particles move constantly, seeking to fulfill themselves by finding a negative particle and giving themselves to it.  Negative particles are less mobile and therefore more passive, and tend to wait, opening themselves to receive that which will realize their completion and fulfillment. Positive charges are considered “masculine” and negative charges are considered “feminine.”  Again, the “masculine” and “feminine” labeling of the polar-opposite charges does not translate into what we have come to know as “man” and “woman”.  Neither do the connotations respectively of “good” and “bad” with positive and negative apply here, as both are absolutely essential to Life.


Qualities of Positive and Negative Seed Charges

Each of these charges carries with it a set of qualities that correspond to the nature of the individual charge and exist as necessary building-block components to the Whole.  For example, the positive charge or masculine aspect carries the qualities of Light, Fire and Air, mind, quick thinking, the “know-how,” the strength, courage, and the drive to move forward, continuing the evolutionary process of seeking fulfillment.  The feminine qualities are Darkness, Water, Earth, receptivity to new ideas, compassion, caring, nurturing, intuitive knowing or wisdom, and the desire to cultivate the ability to trust our instincts, and act upon this intuitive knowing, to allow for the fulfillment of the potential within the intuitive Wisdom.  Ultimately, it is receptivity to all that supports Life in accessing and activating the inner wisdom that guides Life to self-fulfillment.

As you may have noticed, the common denominator between these two seemingly opposing forces, is the desire for fulfillment.  These two forces, rather, are intended to be complementary (Law of Complementarity in action!) to each other to ensure the realization of the ultimate Sacred Union – the return to Wholeness and remembrance of our Sacred relationship with each other and all Life.  As we allow the awakening of our own Remembrance Seed and embrace the Sacredness of all aspects of our own Being – Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual – then we can begin to see the Sacredness of others.  As we know, when we are willing to really listen… AND hear people with opposing perspectives, through the power of compassionate understanding, the distance between those poles can be greatly diminished, if not (seemingly magically!) unified.  Attention to and honoring of the Sacred, both within and without, allows for the first level of fulfillment.

Another important aspect to grasp is that both masculine and feminine charges, as the building blocks of Life, are within each of us at our most basic level, regardless of our outer gender.  It literally takes both to make the world go ʼround. The point is that the interaction of the positive (yang, masculine principle) and the negative (yin, feminine principle) subatomic particles are absolutely essential, as without either one or the other, no life could exist as we know it.  It is the interaction or interplay and the ultimate union of these seeming opposites that is the causative factor behind all matter, all Life, and all Creation.  It is the Law of Gender that creates the basis for the Law of Polarity, and the Law of Attraction, and it is the action of attraction and repulsion, driven by an innate desire for self-completion, fulfillment, or wholeness, that is the cause of Life itself.  Another word for this “cause of life” is Love.

Man comes forth, as do all lives within the radius of influence of a solar system,

upon the inspiration of love, expressed in wisdom.  Love is not a sentiment.

Love is the great principle of attraction, of desire, of magnetic pull, and

(within our solar system) that principle demonstrates as the attraction

and the interplay between the pairs of opposites.

This interplay provides every needed grade or type of unfoldment for consciousness. [3]


We humans, as matter enlivened with Spirit, with all of the basic hardware and software that is foundational to our makeup, must inescapably have at the core of every cell, every molecule and every atom and sub-atomic particle of our being, both the positive and the negative principles.  Denying or diminishing either one of these is diminishing Life itself.  For the last several thousand years, the Feminine (negative or magnetic) Principle has been subjugated by a world that at some point decided that the Masculine Principle was more important or must dominate the Feminine Principle.  With no understanding of the Law of Gender, or the Law of Complementarity, however, there is also no understanding that this approach to Life limits all of Life, not just the Feminine aspect.  The limitation or squelching of one does NOT give the other more power!  In actuality, it weakens both because in the diminishment of one Life Principle, all Life is diminished.  As long as the Feminine Principle is suppressed, the Masculine Principle is necessarily incomplete and will never feel complete until the Feminine is once again embraced as a valued, Sacred and necessary part of the Whole.  Without all the parts of the Whole intact, fully accepted, and functioning optimally, how can there ever be true Wholeness?  When the Feminine Principle is quelled, then all of Creation is quelled at its most basic level.  As a result, our ability and capacity to give and receive love is compromised along with our ultimate potential for fulfillment.

The symbology of women being the child bearers is a prime example of how the negative principle IS the Creative Principle.  Even with this understanding, it is still necessary for the union of the masculine with the feminine principles in order for the creative process of union, of love, to be complete.  Again, both principles are an integral part of the fulfillment of Life.  When two people who are whole and complete within themselves unite in Love, regardless of their outer gender, fulfillment happens.

Wholeness (Holiness) is Sacred

With the understanding of these fundamental aspects of our beings, we can then begin to see and even to honor these qualities in ourselves and in each other.  A greater appreciation of all the parts that make up the Whole makes for a Whole that is not only more appreciated, but Sacred.  It is this Sacredness that is lacking in our perceptions of each other.  It is the lack of recognition and appreciation for this wholeness and this Sacredness at the very core of our own beings that is the origin of the void that we all feel at the core of our beings, and the origin of our perception that we are separate.  This perception of separation – a separation from the Source of Love – has caused us to believe that we must compete with each other rather than work together in complementarity.  Due to this deep sense of lack at our core, most of us have come to believe that there is not enough of anything and therefore, we must be in competition for all that is, in order to survive.  The need for competition perpetuates the illusion of separation.  The illusion of separation prolongs our suffering and prevents us from our own fulfillment, from experiencing the ultimate Sacred Union, a return to Oneness.

It is the union of the feminine and the masculine principles within each of us, as well as within the Greater Whole that is the prerequisite for the “birthing of the soul aspect” (Love) that is necessary for our fulfillment.  Humanity’s fascination, obsession with sex is a direct result of the pull of the magnetic, Feminine Principle trying to complete (not compete!), fulfill and rebalance itself.  Unfortunately, we have misunderstood this pull, this magnetism that is such a powerful draw throughout the world.  Because of the very power of this magnetic pull, we have gotten pulled further and further into the negative vortex of the glamour, lust, and illusionary perception that we need sex to be happy and fulfilled.  If this were true, there certainly would be a higher percentage of happy, fulfilled people in our world, don’t you think?  Without Love, the act of sex only deepens the void that so many people are doing their best to a-void.  Instead, they unwittingly are drawn further and further into the void, away from themselves and away from their deepest longing for fulfillment.  Using our bodies for self-gratification toys, although momentarily gratifying, cannot contribute to our fulfillment, and more than eating an entire pint of your favorite ice cream can bring fulfillment.

Happiness, contentment, and fulfillment do not come from sex, money, or even success, from the standpoint of our modern-day global definition of success.  Fulfillment comes from the true union (not just in the physical sense), of these two most basic principles in reciprocal, complementary, unconditional love, and genuine sacredness, based on reciprocal appreciation and honoring in all of our relationships.  When we truly understand and embody this principle as the causative factor for the realization of the highest potential for Life, we will be ready to be in reverent participatory relationship with all of Life.  Indeed, when humanity is fully ready to embrace and value the foundational feminine quality of Life within all of Nature, suffering, the perception of emptiness will dissolve, and true Divine Union will be possible.  The fulfilled Divine Feminine can transmute all pain (lack of Love) back into Love, through compassion.  Therefore, until we are able to honor and embody the Sacred Feminine Principles first and then heal the Sacred Masculine Principles, there will be no Peace on Earth!

As we begin to recognize, embrace, own, nurture, and heal both the feminine and the masculine qualities within each of us, we will begin to reclaim our wholeness (Holiness) while gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves, each other, and our relationship to the Whole.  This visceral level of understanding will shift from an intellectual understanding – the kind where we try to figure out what makes each other tick – to a heart-felt knowing, a deeper recognition of that which both connects and completes each one of us.  The difference between these two levels of understanding will be the difference between war and peace, illness and health, lack, and prosperity.  We must be open to embracing Love more than we are open to embracing fear.  We can do this by visualizing that which we are longing for, rather than fearing that which we do not want, while embracing all of it as valuable information for our growth.  We must once again learn to trust our instinctual knowing of what supports our Life Force and what depletes our Life Force. Only then can we reclaim our power to consciously choose only that which supports and enhances ourselves and Life itself.

Until we accomplish this, we will neither be in balance nor in peace.  We will not truly know ourselves and therefore we will not be capable of knowing or seeing each other in our True Light.

Each of us is Gifted as part of our Divine Birthright, with an innate potential and propensity to cultivate and strengthen both the masculine qualities and the feminine qualities within us so that the coming together, the ultimate unification, aligns us with the greater Holy Union of our Source.  This is the ultimate Immaculate Concept, the Sacred Union of the Father and the Mother giving birth to, creating new Life.  This happens when the giving (masculine) and the receiving (feminine) are in perfect balance, order, and harmony.  Perfect union cannot happen without perfectly balanced, harmonic synthesis between the pairs of opposites.  However, as we come to understand that seeming opposites are not actually opposing, they are complementary, we will begin to understand the nature of true Unity.

An understanding of the Natural Laws of the Universe (and these are just a few) is not only essential but crucial to our forward evolution as a species.  It is through an understanding of these Laws that we will come to know our own very Nature.  And as we do this, we will come to know peaceful, balanced harmony within ourselves and within our world for the first time.

“What if we allowed ourselves to be guided by kindness,

patience, and awareness?…

What if we simply sought peace and connection?”

                                                                                  ~  Sarah Robinson, Yin Magic


“To Know the Dark”

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.”
― Wendell Berry, Terrapin: Poems by Wendell Berry




Questions for Contemplation:

  1. Looking at the “Feminine” qualities and the ‘Masculine” qualities, which set of qualities would you say is more dominate in your personality? How are these qualities serving you?


  1. Based on your response to question 1, how might your fulfillment be supported or even quickened by cultivating the complementary set of qualities? Which of these qualities is the most challenging for you to embrace?



  1. ”When the Feminine Principle is quelled, then all of Creation is quelled at its most basic level. As a result, our ability and capacity to give and receive love is compromised along with our ultimate potential for fulfillment. “                                                                                   Do you see a reflection of this phenomenon in any part of your life?



  1. “However, as we come to understand that seeming opposites are not actually opposing, they are complementary, we will begin to understand the nature of true Unity.”                                                                                                                                                                              Has your understanding of the nature of true Unity shifted as a result of this course?  Please explain.







©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.

[1] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996 p.243.


[2] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996.


[3] Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Psychology I, Vol.I A Treatise on the Seven Rays. New York, N.Y.: Lucis Publishing Company, 1936. p.336