Class Offerings

New Course for 2025 – 2026!

The Ultimate Alchemy – Turning Pain into Beauty for the Cocreation of the New Earth (11 x 8.5 in) (8.5 x 11 in)


(All Classes can be customized to your needs)

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No matter where you find yourself on your Life’s Path (and we are all on a Path whether we recognize and acknowledge it or not!) the following classes and workshops offered by the Sedona Soul Integration are designed to facilitate and support your forward movement and growth. Whether you or your group choose to come to Sedona, Arizona to immerse yourself in the peaceful harmony of this natural and beautiful setting for an extended retreat or for a single workshop or healing session, we will help you to choose just the right level of support to help you evoke/discover the Gifts that you already have (and have ALWAYS had!) that will be the foundation for your next level of growth.  Any of these classes or combinations of these classes may be tailored to your specific needs, customizing the information and time frames that most suit your desired goals.

Feel free to call: +1(978) 602-5375 or for more information.

Overview of Classes (See descriptions below)

♥ Mindfulness in Everyday Life
♥ The Benefits of Energy Healing
♥ Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster
♥ Create the Life You Love
♥ Bridging the Understanding Between Science and Holism
♥ Perfect Body Image-Perfect Weight (Feeding the Body, Mind & Spirit
♥ Finding YourSelf in the Midst of Chaos
♥ Living Deliberately in the Flow
♥ Raising Your Sublime Energies
♥ WisdomWeather Workshop
♥ The Power of Belief – The Four Agreements
♥ The Healing Power of the Circle
♥ Cultivating Seeds that Blossom
♥ Birthing Your Authentic Self
♥ Making the Most of Menopause
♥ Connecting the Dots Between Our Health and Our Environment
♥ Spiritual Partnerships  **  Growth & Empowerment for Partners
♥ The Laws of the Universe  ** Universal Laws – Divine CODEX for Life
♥ Navigating the Rough Waters of Life’s Challenges
♥ Care for the Caregiver
♥ Re-defining Compassionate Care


Mindfulness in Everyday Life

1-2 hour class

The purpose of this class is to increase your awareness of how your thoughts affect your energy system and, ultimately, your state of being. By increasing your awareness of the levels of balance/imbalance at any given moment, you can learn to create an inner state of harmony and balance whenever you desire it by using your intention and your intuition.


The Benefits of Energy Healing

1-2 hour class

This class will help you see how receiving energy healing will assist you in better understanding yourSelf.  As you come to learn how the flow of energy though your body is affected by your thoughts and emotions and how that energy flow can be consciously directed, you will attain greater levels of happiness and health.


Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster

1-2 hour class of private session

This class is based upon Peggy Huddleston’s work and book by the same title, the premise of which is that our bodies know how to heal themselves.  As a certified instructor of this technique for tapping into this innate Wisdom, thereby accelerating the healing process after surgery, I will assist you in learning visualizations and in setting intentions that will support you in shortening your recovery time and minimizing the possibility of “complications” due to or following surgery.


Reclaiming Abundance

1 – 2 hour class

Reclaim your Divine Self through the exploration of the beliefs you hold (both consciously and unconsciously) that separate you from your “right to have”.  Using a renewed awareness of abundance principles such as choice, acceptance, the power of love, surrender, gratitude and more, realign yourself with the infinite flow of universal abundance and then open to receive!


Create the Life You Love

2-2 hour classes

Ancient Eastern healing traditions have long known that our thoughts create our reality. More recently, Western scientific research is showing powerful correlations between our thought processes, resulting from our biography and life experiences, and our biology.   By learning to consciously change your thought patterns, you can create the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual reality most in alignment with your passion and your true desires.


Bridging Understanding between Science and Holism

2 – 2 hour classes

In these classes we will explore the Art of Healing through the ages to present day. Comparing philosophical viewpoints of scholars from St. Augustine in 400 AD to Hermes in ancient Greece, from Newton and Descartes to Einstein, Deepak Copra and Stephen Hawking, (Just to mention a few).  In the process, you will not only gain a new understanding and a new appreciation for the holistic, integrative approach to medicine, but also how embracing a holistic perspective can serve as a much needed bridge between modern-day science and spirituality.


Perfect Body Image/Perfect Weight

3 – 2 hour classes

When you look in the mirror, do you love what you see?  Do you pay more attention to what you perceive to be “wrong” with you, or to what is beautiful about you?  The way you feel about yourself is vital to your overall health and vitality, so it is important to become aware of your self-image and strengthen it as much as possible.  If the premise that “What you focus on you get more of.” Is true, which I believe it is, then the more we focus on imperfection, the more imperfection we experience.  Conversely, the more we focus on perfection, the more perfection we experience.  This class is designed to support you in finding the Perfection  in You!


Finding YourSelf in the Midst of Chaos

3 – 2 hour classes

Using principles from A COURSE IN MIRACLES, learn practical ways of transforming Divine philosophy, into a usable, practical assimilation into everyday right thinking and right action that is inspired by your own willingness for total acceptance of your own Inner Divinity.


Raising Your Sublime Energies – RYSE

4-4 hour classes

RYSE is a life changing experience based on this simple yet profound concept; we can perceive and affect our sublime energy systems through focused awareness. You learn to perceive how your life force is lost or increased as a result of the play of energy between individuals, situations and locations.

You gain true self-empowerment as a result of the clearing and restructuring of your sublime energy patterns, which manifests as the ability to respond more quickly and effectively in all aspects of your life. This benefit continues to develop with every use of the self alignment techniques learned in this series of 4 classes:



Energy anatomy 101 with a full clearing of your complete energetic systems, and assistance in accessing the blueprint of your highest potential.



Second level clearing and alignment of previous work plus instruction to assist you in gaining a greater understanding of the relationship of your sublime energy systems to your life force, to holding your power, and to perceiving the health of your energy system. You will also learn to clear cellular memories, expectation release work, and additional techniques for aligning with your highest potential.



Learn how to enhance your life force, hold your power and receive a third level clearing of primary systems in preparation for deeper work in clearing your energy systems. This class includes clearing the energy systems of all developmental cycles and sub-personalities, while focusing on the highest potential and fulfillment of your highest blueprint.



Receive a fourth level clearing on primary patterns and a continued education regarding how you hold your life force. This level clearing aligns the energy systems for fulfillment of the highest potential. You will also learn a technique for energy based solution work, as we continue to focus on the refinement of skills in dynamic control of personal energy systems to increase your life force and level of personal power.


Living Deliberately in the Flow

When in doubt, go to the Source!

8- 2 hour classes

This dialogue will support you in re-membering to more consistently tap into the Source of Wisdom, Guidance, Abundance, Energy, Fulfillment and Joy, that ultimately aligns you with your Purpose and your Truth.  From this place of clarity, you will be ready to move into your deepest level of Fulfillment in a way that nurtures and Cultivates strength, balance and rejuvenation in all areas of your life.


WisdomWeather Workshop

1 –3 hour class

This workshop entitled, Are You Ready To Be All That You Can Be…Now?, uses the WisdomWeather  Self Tracking System as a tool to help you go deeper into your True Essence.  This workshop will help you to find the Truth of who You are and to bring that Truth into your everyday life in ways that are practical, creative and fulfilling.  Find out how living the Truth of you Inner Wisdom can enhance not only each moment of your life, but also your future Potential!


The Power of Belief – the Four Agreements

This class is a dialogue, based on the book THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by don Miguel Ruiz.   In this exploration, we will delve deeply into the premises presented in the Four Agreements and the positive impact that integrating and  living these truths can have on our lives.


The Healing Power of the Circle

Circle Process is one of the oldest documented processes for group communication known today.  It is still the most effective means of achieving group homeostasis when the ultimate desired goal is to listen, to hear and to create group resolution that results in win-win situations every time.  This workshop series is based upon Christina Baldwin’s book entitled Calling the Circle, the First and Future Culture, and will change the way you communicate with others forever.   Learn how using this ancient process of ordered council can benefit your group, your work and your life!


Cultivating Seeds that Blossom

4 – 3 hour classes

This series of workshops is for exceptional teachers and parents who would like to better understand and communicate with the children with whom they work and live. Learn to see children for whom they really are, moving beyond expectations and even beyond the limitations of what is accepted as “normal” in our educational institutions and in our culture. As you do so, children will return your willingness to see them in their true light, with the gift of their Light, their Love and the Joy of witnessing their blossoming. Who knows, you may even re-discover your own Light and highest potential in the process!


Birthing Your Authentic Self

3 – 2 hour classes

This class focuses on childbirth as a metaphor for connecting with deeper levels of self and experiencing the Joy in the total union of Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. Though the class is designed for expectant mothers and mothers who have recently (or even not so recently) given birth, it is open to all who wish to discover deeper levels of the authentic potential within themselves.


Making the Most of Menopause

Are the changes going on in your body making you feel out of control, confused, fuzzy, frustrated and fatigued?  Come to this interactive discussion and learn how to use the energy of the changes going on within you to find yourself rather than lose yourself!  Sitting in circle with other women, you will learn how to make the most of your menopause experience by understanding and embracing the Wisdom that is intended for you through the communications you are receiving from your Body-Mind-Spirit connection.


Growth & Empowerment for Partners

4 – 2 hour classes

By gaining a deeper understanding of how and why we act and react within ourselves, and with tools to effectively communicate our truth, we can intentionally strengthen our connection with our partners in a balanced way that encompasses all four levels of growth – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The goal of this series of 4 classes is to assist you in learning to grow and to be both empowered and empowering in your relationships. We will focus on strengthening your relationships through mutual support of your growth as individuals offering tools for enhanced communication and trust.


Universal Laws – Divine CODEX for Life

12 – 2 hour classes

 Have you ever wondered what and where the missing piece to your Life’s puzzle might be?    What if you were given the Manual for living your life to the fullest?  What if having this invaluable information, began to give new meaning and purpose to everything you experience, and it all began to make meaningful sense?

Do you think that might be a game changer for you?  Join this 4-week study and dialogue to learn how gaining an understanding of the Universal Laws of Consciousness can enhance your Life exponentially! 

  1. Law of Divine Oneness 
  2. Law of Vibration (Entrainment) 
  3. Law of Action/Law of Justice (Cause and Effect)  
  4. Law of Correspondence (Complementarity)  
  5. Law of Attraction
  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy  
  7. Law of Polarity 
  8. Law of Rhythm 
  9. Law of Gender 
  10. Law of Reciprocity 
  11. Law of Compensation 
  12. Universal Principles 


Navigating the Rough Waters of Life’s Challenges

Experiencing the perception that our lives are out of our control is a perfect invitation to let go and open up to a new kind of potential.  If you are feeling the effects of our changing economy, changing paradigm, and changing world and find yourself fearful of what is yet to come, this workshop and interactive discussion is designed to bring you renewed hope in the form of a renewed sense of empowerment.  Join us to awaken and strengthen your inner resources in order to balance out the seemingly dwindling outer resources upon which we have been so reliant.


Care for the Caregiver

5 Keys to Preventing Caregiver Burnout 

When you give and give and give, day in and day out as a caregiver, eventually, it is necessary to STOP, RE-FILL & REPLENISH.  Otherwise, there is nothing left to give, you feel spent, and the level of care you are capable of offering, changes dramatically.

Learn the 5 Keys to filling up your reservoir every day so that you have the energy you need, as well as the right attitude to care for your Loved Ones and/or Patients in a way that enhances both their day (not to mention their healing experience) …and Yours!


Re-defining Compassionate Care

Dialogue, Learn, Open, Expand & Grow

What is your current definition of Compassionate Care?  This workshop will explore this question and then expand on that definition with the intention of adopting a new definition that better meets both our own needs and the needs of those for whom we provide care.  Through this expanded definition, we will re-evaluate and check in to determine how each of us can raise the bar for the level of compassionate care we offer.