Earth Mother’s Cry was birthed through the Circle for All Life, a collective, unified by our volition and commitment to answer the Call of our great Mother Earth to heal the Sacred Feminine and Nature through Unified Remembrance.  This collective represents all children of the Earth, with a focus on restoring the original, sacred relationship between Nature and humanity.   Our goal is to answer Mother Earth’s call by being a catalyst for healing through our remembrance of our sacred and vital living connection with and our responsibility to the Earth.   An awakening of the living principles of compassion, reciprocity, and complementarity are necessary for humanity to remember, and reclaim its sacred place in Nature.

These are challenging times. Our way through these challenging times requires an awakening, a change of perspective, a remembering, and a willingness to see beyond what appears to be happening around us, into the Truth that lies within our hearts.  It has always been there, and now it is awakening from its slumber.  What if the knowing that is awakening at this time were the very source of our deepest healing?  Would we want to slay it, or push it back into its den as if it were a dangerous dragon?  Probably not, but it is necessary to reorient ourselves to our own new awareness that is growing daily now.  As our awareness expands, we must allow for the expansion of our minds and hearts, moving from protective, survival mode to exploratory curiosity mode.  It is time to be willing to look anywhere and everywhere for the missing pieces to humanity’s part of the Earth puzzle (at least to start with).  When we find those pieces, working together and walking together from the darkness into the light, we will remember and we will understand – we will be whole and home once again!  This film can help you find those missing puzzle pieces.

Earth, Earth Mother, Gaia, Divine Feminine, Sacred Feminine, ocean, water, whales, waters, healing, Nature

Earth Mother’s Cry

Earth Mother’s Cry is offered to humanity from Mother Earth, as an opportunity to see, hear, and feel in our hearts, the impact humanity’s choices, thinking and perceptions have been having and still are having on All Life on this Planet.  Earth Mother’s reminder that, “What you do to me, you do to yourselves.”, is a direct invitation to remember our Oneness with Her, with Nature and with all of Life.  Earth Mother urges us to forgive ourselves and each other for all harm that has been done to All Life on Earth, while beckoning us to respond now to her urgent plea to heal, to “Remember the Spirit of Compassion.”, and to remember that, “Your thoughts are sacred.  Your words are sacred.  Your actions are sacred.”

As we remember that we are all a vital part of the Web of Life and begin to take greater responsibility and accountability for our contributions, we heal.  The consequence of our healing, is the healing of Nature, and All Life.  “Miracles await us.”  May we take this Sacred Journey back to the Sacredness within our own hearts.

One viewer shared, “This film touched my heart deeply and awakened parts of my awareness that I did not know needed to be awakened.  I see things differently now.”

Just scroll down a little and the film is right on the home page.

Earth Mother’s Cry is actually in 3 non-descript phases.  The beginning is challenging for some to watch, (meeting our challenging times head on) however, the  evolutionary alchemical process of healing that takes place in the film is the same evolutionary alchemical process that humanity is needing right now, so please stay with it.

I would love to hear your impressions!

If you love the message of this film, please share it far and wide!