Energy Healing Sessions (In-person or Remote)
Energy Healing goes beyond the physical body, taking healing to a deeper level that reaches the cause of the dis-ease. Since most imbalances or diseases begin at the emotional and/or mental level, addressing all aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) of each person is necessary for real and lasting healing to take place.
All thought is energy which, therefore, can either be creative or destructive. Thus, every thought that we think either enhances our Life Force or depletes It. Becoming aware of our thought processes and patterns can go a long way towards supporting us in choosing thoughts that create and enhance that which we are wanting in and for our lives.
There is an optimal flow of energy throughout our bodies and there is a less than optimal flow. We all know the difference! Energetic Healing, combined with Spiritual Counseling, supports this process by enhancing the free flow of energy (our full power) throughout our being, while increasing our awareness of disempowering beliefs, thoughts and thought patterns. This process uncovers our innate Perfection, that we may access our natural and unlimited capacity for Love-Wisdom and Joy. This, in turn, allows for the optimal flow of energy, health and vibrancy in a way that is easily accessible to us.
Over the years, I have learned to fine-tune my intuitive ability to support your individual needs, whatever they may be. Each session begins with dialogue centered around questions designed to arrive at the core, root cause of the issue(s) at hand. Once the needed level of clarity has been achieved, I can begin to align your energy field, activating newly accessible DNA coding with the vibration of the newly achieved awareness. A deep-level integration of this new vibrational frequency into all levels of Beingness – physical, mental emotional and spiritual, aligns your newly acquired awareness with your Purpose. This alignment allows you to achieve a new beginning reference point for responding to life’s challenges, allowing for continually increasing awareness, compassion and growth, even in the midst of Life’s changes, challenges and surprises.
I offer you ongoing support in feeling empowered from the inside out by offering practical tools to access your own Inner Wisdom. As you step into a new level of empowerment, bringing All that You Are into each Present Moment, in Sacred Union within YourSelf, Transformational Healing occurs. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this exclamation proclaimed at the close of healing sessions: “I never thought that anything like this was even possible!”
Individual and group Energy Healing sessions are available by appointment either in person or as distance sessions from wherever you may be.
Individual Session, In-person or Remote: $150 (1.5-2-hour Healing Session)
Sedona Hike w/ Healing Session in Nature: $250 (3-4 hrs) Book Now
Group Sessions: Contact me for more information
Please note: 24-Hour Rescheduling Policy