When I sit and contemplate the “New Normal” we all seem to be experiencing this year, I find it hard to believe that anyone would disagree that humanity and this planet Earth are currently experiencing a significant wobble.
If you were on a journey in your vehicle and the vehicle began to wobble, what would you do? My sense is that your initial moment of fear would be tempered with curiosity. This is a perfect response to fear when it shows up in our lives, because fear is just a frequency of energy that carries information for us. When we become curious about what that information is telling us, then we are motivated to investigate further. So, back to the wobbly vehicle, after your moment of fear, you would most likely pull over, stop your car and get out to investigate. Out of curiosity, you may ask yourself a series of questions to explore the possible cause of the wobble: Is there a tire that is low or flat? Is the tire pressure even for all 4 tires? Were there any noises that accompanied the wobble? Did I hit a pothole in the road that could have thrown my car out of alignment? Once you came to an understanding of the cause of the problem, you would then correct and re-balance the wobble to ensure a smoother journey.
As simple as this may sound for a mechanical imbalance, such clarity may prove to be a bit more elusive for less tangible wobbles. However, the process of moving into inquiry, discovery, understanding the proper response to positively impact the cause, in order to arrive at the highest and best solution is truly no different, whether a wobble/imbalance is caused at the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual level, or any combination of these. The only difference is that we must go deeper, beyond what appears to be obvious, into a more profound level of cause and effect. This deeper level often takes us into unchartered territory within ourselves,
I would like to share an example of this process that I experienced only just this morning. As I was meditating this morning, in search of clarity for my own healing and to come to a deeper understanding of how my current personal wobble is affecting the Whole and how the wobble within the Whole may be effecting me, I found myself in tears. I realized that at some level, since the “virus scare” began, I have been seeing myself as a potential weapon that could bring harm, illness or even death to others. This realization was an utter shock to me, because, even though I had put myself in isolation to protect my Loved Ones and those around me, I did not realize that on the deeper levels, I was actually seeing myself as a potential weapon!
As conventional news continues to broadcast daily that every human being should assume that everyone has the C virus, mandatory “stay at home” orders magnify and validate that it must be true that all humans are a potential threat to each other. This mindset, in turn, magnifies the fear that everyone and everything is a threat – even our mail and packages delivered to our door could be contaminated! Just as we are told that the virus is multiplying its impact exponentially, individual and collective fear is also magnifying exponentially… daily. For some, these fears are obvious, and for others they may be much more subtle.
What happens when we begin to see each other as enemies? How does this mindset, this belief and the seeming reality of it, change us? This mindset is the underlying cause of every war and battle ever fought on this planet. Fears for our safety and stability, are being fed with uncertainty and negativity, like never before. Is there a positive outcome that can result from this wobbly state of mind?
At a time when more and more humans are awakening to deep inner longings to live in a world of Peace, we are being massively programmed to believe that we are all enemies. Despite this ever-insidious, programming, many are just wanting to remain as positive as possible, believing that we can just wait out this storm… and, on the surface, this seems like a reasonable response. After all, what else can we do?
The Gift of this C virus is that we are beginning to understand that no longer is it safe to play the middle ground – to remain neutral. At this point in time, humanity is being put to the test. Will negativity/malevolence win, or will positivity/benevolence win? The answer to that question is completely up to each one of us.
What will change if the majority of humans just wait out the storm and then return to business as usual as soon as the storm is over? What if we are not “supposed to” return to business as usual. What if this entire experience is an experiment to see if humanity is willing to redefine our previous “normal”? If we are willing to redefine our normal, on what will we base that new definition?
This “Gift” of quiet time is an invitation for each one of us to stop, step “out of time” and logic that is skewed and limited by a patriarchal, dominator mindset and step into the less charted, and wide-open territory of our hearts.
What if the individual and collective wobbles we are now experiencing are caused by the imbalance that has been created by living more in our heads than in our hearts? What if we never became curious enough to explore the deeper knowing within ourselves and our collective reasoning to realize that a shift from our heads to our hearts could possibly rebalance our wobble? What would it take for more of us to make this shift?
From a logical perspective, the path of least resistance in the midst of our current pandemic is to see each other as a threat and to isolate for our own protection as well as to protect others. Having been thrusted deeply into survival mode, we tend to lose touch with our natural instinct for curiosity. In fear and survival mode, we are more likely to actually close our hearts and go into our heads to “figure out” the answer. However, it is in our opened hearts where curiosity and creativity and deeper wisdom flourish.
No matter how vehemently we acknowledge that change is required in our world, no collective transformation can happen without individual transformation. Mother Theresa said, “Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone, person to person with acts of loving kindness.” When we as individuals are ready to get very curious about how we personally may have contributed to the global wobble, and we begin to explore deeper into our own heart to find the answer, we will then and only then, have understood the message that the C virus has come to teach us. Some of the questions you may want to get curious about could be: What are my deepest, most cherished values? Am I living every day as if these values are Sacred to me? Is the presence of this pandemic showing me what that might look like and feel like by giving me the open invitation to explore my heart’s longings? What is my heart longing for? How would I describe my own personal wobble/struggle right now? What has been preventing me from living a balanced, fulfilling and joy-filled life – a life of true freedom? What transformation is needed within myself to align more with what I know to be True in my heart?
In your newly-acquired profound understanding about what has caused your own personal wobble, you will then be able to make the needed corrections to regain balanced harmony and continue on a smoother, more grace-filled Journey that is not only wobble-free, but more heart-centered and fulfilling. Moreover, having accessed your deeper Wisdom, you will feel more stable, centered and peaceful no matter what is happening around you. You can be the eye of the storm!
With enough of us going deeper for root-cause answers within ourselves, and as more and more hearts open and heal, our World heals and rebalances at every level. The side effect of this process, is that we remember our First Nature (that we are connected to All of Life, and that All Life is Sacred!) and we remember that through that Sacred Connection, we each are born with the innate ability to heal the Whole, simply because we are a necessary and vital part of the Whole. In our remembered Wholeness (Holi-ness), we are Whole and the Whole is One!
Again a beautiful and wise message. I totally resonate with it and am applying the suggestions you make.
The problem is that how do we reach the people who are not willing to become aware of their impact on this planet?
I have seen, to my dismay, several of my acquaintances from Sedona, choose the conspiracy theories road.
The incredible opportunity this virus is giving people all over the world to change their ways seems to be mostly waisted.
Consumerism and mindless response to their conditioning seem to be the predominant path people are choosing.
Most are not willing to take a good look at themselves and move past their sense of entitlement.
That brings me such sadness to observe that.
I lived in the US for 35 years, right now I am very glad to be in Europe.
Keep up the good work and my hope is that you reach as many people as you can.
Your words are Beautifully crafted and guide one to look deeply! Yes, going deeper, and finding the root causes of our habitual tendencies of how we think, the subtleties of mind are intricately woven into our every action and thus we create the world from this inner place. So to learn and practice to think and act from a pure heart mind will help to uncover and unwind from these unconscious fears.
Beautifully stated, Jill – thank you for contributing your Wisdom! Purifying our hearts is not always an easy matter, as most humans have come to identify with their experiences and the negative associations and programming that have arisen particularly from their negative experiences and thus, their negative programming. We have moved so far away from our Pure Heart, our Original Self that sometimes it is a major challenge even to know and trust that we CAN get back to that. So many, even though they may long for that, do not even believe that they deserve to return there. Therefore, it is up to those who DO remember, to support others by creating safe environments where those who are resisting their own evolution can begin to feel safe enough to test the waters with just one toe initially. Once even one toe is in, the rest will follow in their own timing. The safer we can make their environment, the more consistently they will be able to eventually immerse themselves in Divine Love once again. This, of course, means that those who choose to “make it safe” for others, no longer have the luxury of going into judgment – ever! Judgment will shut down the process in a literal heartbeat.
The other piece to this is that our unconscious fears are being fed so constantly that they are now becoming conscious! This is actually a HUGE gift to humanity, because as those fears that many have carried for ever become conscious, then, we can address them and begin to understand that there is a reason to go deeper. YAY!!!
Thank you for your beautiful and thoughtful reply, Solange! We can only lead by example. Our role now is not to convert anyone or to force them to wake up. This has been tried for millennia and we know that it does not work. Leading by example means living the Golden Rule and consistently offering to others what they are needing. How do we know what that is? By knowing what it is that WE are needing and giving that to others! Remember,we are all One! Others will receive that Gift if they are willing… And…we receive it automatically. This is how we are constantly replenished with all that we are needing and… support each incredibly “pregnant” moment of the birthing of the Creation of the New Earth.
As I mentioned in Jill’s comment above, the worst thing we can do right now is to look around us and judge others for not being fully awake. This only stops the labor pains and prolongs the Birth…as well as the suffering! The best way to speed up the birthing process is to breathe, relax, and move into loving compassion, kindness and a sincere desire to support the process by offering whatever is needed to keep the contractions coming until the Birthing is complete. This brings us back to O=S+R from a previous blog post. Those of us who are awake have the stamina and the Wisdom (gained from our relentless Gift of Training throughout our lives) to do this or we would not yet be awake! We must move into Trusting that everyone who is awake on this planet at this time, is here to support this birthing process.
I say to you, Keep up the good work of noticing all that is going on around you. Awareness is Key! Now you can begin to take that awareness to the next level and practice becoming a “Neutral Observer”. See all that is gong on, and accept all that is going on as the contractions that are necessary for the Birthing! Be grateful for the contractions (even though they may be painful!), because they are making new Creation of Life possible. The moment the New Creation is Birthed, we will all be awake and we will clearly see how necessary the contractions and the entire labor process were. Trust the process and continue to be a mid-wife for the most amazing Birthing that has ever taken place on this most Beautiful Mother Earth! Thank you!
Complacency is why we have this poor excuse of a president. I shake with fear at what is happening to those all around me. Spending my professional life as a property and casualty insurance agent, I learned through the claims process that desperate people do desperate things. Fires need to be investigated to their fullest. People (neighbors) need to be asked questions. How were they as parents to those girls? Do you think there could have been a motive? I need to talk with you Deb. I think you could very well be my soul sister. I remember you from 3rd grade with Mrs. Kallock. I loved her. She was my first teacher when we moved to Saco and I got my first kitten from her and she took one of our puppies. She lived right across the street from Young School. Ask your brother about the séance. <3
We are all in this together. I'm not saying you don't need religion. I'm saying that the whole is one. Believe in yourself to make the best right decision for you and yours. Be the rock if you feel you can and then be the sand if you have exhausted your reserves and let who/mever your rock may be, take over and lighten your load if just for a bit. WE are a team. WE will get through this together. Somehow. Someday. If someday ever comes. <3
Take Heart, Susan, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. This kind of sharing from the Heart, even in virtual safe environments is one way that we can stay connected and feel heard. If we truly believe that everything is happening for a reason and that that reason, though not necessarily “knowable” in every moment, actually is part of a Greater Design, the Purpose of which is to support humanity in awakening to their own Infinite Potential, then our perspective about all that we are currently experiencing could dramatically shift. Not living up to our Infinite Potential may feel like fear and look like complacency, but is really just a symptom that is letting each of us know where we are out of balance.
When we shake in fear, we are buying into the belief in/illusion of separation, which actually weakens us, making us less likely to awaken to our Infinite Potential. Therefore, if awakening to our Infinite Potential is ultimately the goal for each one of us, it is critical that we find ways to stay out of fear and judgment, replacing those frequencies with Gratitude and Trust that no matter what it looks like now, to the extent that we can remain centered in our Heart space, (out of fear and judgment) everything will resolve.
As a relevant example, in your above comment to my article, the moment you changed from talking about the president and desperate people, and began talking about your 3rd grade memories: Mrs. Kallock, kittens and puppies, your tone and the energy of your message shifted quite dramatically. What we focus on, we get more of! You are absolutely right that “the whole is One.” And…because that is true – even more importantly, because you know this to be true, you have very clearly shown us that we are happiest when we live the truths that we know, rather than the truths we have been told. Thank you, Susan, for making this so obvious for us all.
When we can live fully aware and awakened lives, in compassion, from this centered heart space of Love, I know with absolute certainty that our “Someday” will be brighter and more promising than any of us can even begin to imagine!