The Edge
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, we’re afraid!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
“We can’t, We will fall!” they responded.
“Come to the edge,” he said.
And so they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.”
~ Christopher Logue
From the very first time I read this poem in a high school French class (At that time this poem was attributed to Guillaume Apollinaire.), I have loved it. The message spoke to a deep place within my Soul and I viscerally felt the profound power of its Truth. Having felt that Edge before ever reading this poem, I recognized it instantly and have craved the experience of that Edge ever since that moment when I was given the Grace of shifting this seemingly unknowable longing into a palpable understanding.
This Edge is one of the most powerful places to be. I have experienced it over and over again, while standing on the edge of a precipice, witnessing the incredible view. I always knew that I would receive this Gift as my reward for persevering to the top of every mountain I have ever climbed. In the moments when my body was exhausted and I struggled to find the strength to take the next step forward, I was always motivated to continue, knowing that when I stood at the top, One with the infinite expanse before me, I had touched something Sacred.
I have also many times, stood on the precipice of profound grief and loss and despair. Afraid to move in any direction, but frozen in place, I did not understand how to take my next step. Backing away from the edge made less sense than moving towards it, but I did not know that I had the strength and courage to step into it – It felt so BIG! Of course, this makes perfect sense when you consider that the Sacred is Infinite, and Infinite is necessarily so Big! When we shrink in the face of Bigness, we have unknowingly, already made the first step toward the Edge. This is simply because the very act of stepping away from anything is a recognition. It actually makes sense to momentarily step away from something that we immediately recognize is so Big that it could change our lives forever. Once we realize, however, that we ARE the Bigness – that It is not separate from us, inner strength and courage are unleashed from within us to support our forward movement toward stepping back into the fullness, the wholeness, the Holiness of our own Sacred Being. Our return to Oneness is our Sacred Journey.
Standing on the Edge of Oneness, we remember! We remember that we are not separate! We remember that we too, are a Sacred part of the Sacred Web of Life. Life itself, Mother Earth, and the Source of All Life WANT humanity to remember. We have been given countless reminders on a daily basis, as everything we experience – being on the edge of Joy, on the edge of Love, on the edge of Grief and Despair – all are invitations, reminders. We each have our personal mountains to climb, experienced as major transition points or crossroads in our lives. When we are on the edge, any edge, we are being offered a direct, personal invitation to take a leap of faith through the edge, back into Oneness. I see this Edge, as a timeline or dimensional portal through which we have only to step through the point of tension to enter into a new and higher perspective.
How many times have we shrunk back from even the Joy and Love that we most want, for fear of falling – not trusting the edge? How many times have we stuffed our grief, despair, and disappointment for fear of falling into an abyss of no return? Facing and accepting those fears as a Gift of invaluable information is what puts us on the edge. Once on the edge, our job is to peer out into the expanse of whatever that edge looks like, feels like, and compassionately translate the Beauty of the healing information we are being given. Through our willingness to compassionately understand (the leap), our new understanding offers us a re-emergence into Oneness (“And they flew.”).
This is the key to living Einstein’s advice, “No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.” The leap of faith of which we are speaking takes us to a higher level of consciousness where all problems are transcended – where we are able to transcend our old self by remembering who we really are. Allowing, even inviting this kind of experience takes us far beyond a change in perspective. It is transformative. Transcending our belief in separation back into Oneness is why we are on this planet at this particularly “edgy” time.
As the current challenges and intensity of our time can feel overwhelming, it may be helpful to remember that all that we are experiencing is a deluge of invitations to take the leap of faith from separation and fear to return to our natural state of Oneness and Love.
We already know what a tsunami of fear looks like and feels like. The Elements of Mother Earth have been showing us the tsunamis of Earth (earthquakes and volcanoes), tsunamis of Water (floods and deluges) Tsunamis of Fire (out-of-control fires and drought), tsunamis of Air (hurricanes and tornados) to remind us of the imbalances that humanity has created on our beloved Mother Earth. We are now being given too many simultaneous invitations to ignore. It is time to face the information we are being given and address it by responding with compassion, loving kindness, and the courage (Coeur/Heart), to take our personal leap of faith. That leap of faith will look different for each of us, depending on our own personal invitations and the information we are given. Fearing, resisting, or avoiding the “darkness”, our shadow, can no longer serve us if we truly want to embrace and realize our Highest Potential. This leap may indeed catapult us directly into it… and, until we can embrace darkness as the origin of all light both within ourselves and all around us, we will not fully know Oneness.
The “one size fits all” solution that we have all been craving is not in the form of a pill, but it simply requires our willingness to be comfortable in our own Sacred Presence. For when we are willing to make this leap, we will have found our longed-for solution to discomfort, to suffering, whether that suffering originates from loss, illness, or seemingly uninvited change in our lives. Choosing to make this leap takes us to the deepest roots of our pain…and this, believe it or not, is a Blessing. When we willingly choose to take this deep dive, we are guided to understand and heal our deepest pain, our deepest longings and in this process, to remember our deepest potential.
This most powerful willingness, combined with the courage to step into it, allows us to remember and reclaim our Birth Right to living in Truth, Harmony, Love and Joy. At that point, we will have remembered our Oneness with All Life and returned to the proverbial Garden!
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns – It calls me on and on across the universe.” ~ John Lennon
As always, I invite you to share your comments, thoughts, and feelings.
In Loving Oneness,
Beautifully expressed! I love: “and, until we can embrace darkness as the origin of all light both within ourselves and all around us, we will not fully know Oneness”. Taking a leap of faith involves letting go of old programming/ mind control and all that is familiar. It is the ultimate act of trust.
Just reading Debra’s blog is in it’s self a step in the right direction toward having the courage to become aware of this edge, and making that step. Debra explains so lovingly and beautifully what the edge is and what it can mean in our lives. We can stay in our comfort zones and never make that step toward the edge, but oh how we will miss the spiritual view that could help us and mankind to be in a place of happiness and love that we crave while living here on this beautiful Mother Earth.
If what Debra has presented is totally new in your awareness, then making this step may seem hard. How close you can step to this edge may depend on what your present awareness is. It can cause us to step out of our comfort zone, to change how we previously perceived things. For those who were already aligned with her message, it may not seem like such a huge edge we are going up to, but it is a great reminder that we need to take that step if we haven’t, in order for us to grow spiritually and live on this Mother Earth in the loving and happy manner we all crave deep inside.
I appreciate Debra’s message as it reminds me to move closer to the edge every chance I get without fear, so I can spiritually evolve further in this physical body. We all need nudges at times in our lives to remind us how we can spiritually grow – which then helps all of humanity grow. Eventually, this allows us and our children to grow to a place we can look out over the edge and see way out across the world, to a place where we can truly be happy and remember our Oneness.
Most of us have been nudged or seemingly pushed towards this edge whenever we face some hardship or crises in our lives. It can be the death of a loved one, a job loss, divorce, an economic loss, health crises, the covid 19 virus, or any other situation. Many times if we can only be reminded to not only look down, but look out from this edge to see that there can be an infinite view of deeper meaning for us.
Debra’s message is so meaningful but her personal influence working with others is where she shines so beautifully. I, like so many others have faced hardships and have been nudged or pushed towards this edge. When my wife and best friend of 44 years passed away from cancer, I was pushed to the edge. Would I take this hard time of my life to keep looking down or lift my head up and step toward the edge the view would provide me – the edge that Debra talks about. With Debra’s help, I was able to lift my head up and see the infinite view that laid ahead from this edge. If your life has brought you some hardships and you were close to the edge with your head down not seeing the view, I would highly recommend a personal healing session with Debra so you will not feel alone when a crises forces you to step close to this initially scary edge. She has been so helpful and appreciated by me and others.
Thank you Debra for this beautiful and meaningful message you shared with us. Bill
Thank you, Patricia, I appreciate your comment! If you are intrigued by the quotation that you offered in your response, you may be interested in viewing the video blog entries of Earth Mother’s Cry and my message to the Center for Universal Light. Since the latter is based on the former, I would encourage you to watch Earth Mother’s Cry before listening to my message video. I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on both as you view them!
I agree with you that taking the leap from all that we know, into all that is unknown to us is the ultimate act of trust. The good news is that everyone on this planet has a reference point for doing just that. Making the choice to shift from Spirit into physical form, forgetting who we are, and being born into a 3-D world is another ultimate act of trust! We have all done this before and I know that we can do it again – only this time, we are not leaving any parts of ourselves behind. We are returning to Oneness. What more enticing and inspiring motivation could we possibly have???
Dear Bill,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and your personal pain in your reply to my blog. It is beautiful to hear your authentic sharing from your heart! I also appreciate your statement, “I appreciate Debra’s message as it reminds me to move closer to the edge every chance I get without fear, so I can spiritually evolve further in this physical body.” I honor your courage and commitment to your highest growth and your willingness to know yourSelf as an Infinite Being who is ready to remember, awaken and return to your Original state of pure Oneness. This is where all of humanity is headed. The only real question is, “Do we go there willingly, or do we go there kicking, screaming and resisting all the way?” Our response to this question will determine the experience we have as we move through the experience of breakdown…into the experience of breakthrough! Keeping our eyes forward, focused on the infinite view of the breakthrough is truly critical right now, for looking downward (as you so beautifully say) will keep us focused on the breakdown. Thank you again!