A friend of mine recently asked me a series of questions that I found very interesting. I have decided to share my response with you, as what came through is quite significant.
For many, it is a huge leap to embrace the Truth that we are all Love, that we are God, that the Infinite Universe is in us and we are an integral part of All that Is. So, if the majority of human beings on the planet is not willing to believe this, how does humanity evolve?
In the moment that the Infinite Universe decided to individuate, to experience It Self more fully, there was a very big misunderstanding. As Individuated Consciousness began to perceive itself in multiple parts, it translated the experience of seeing space between the many parts of the Whole, as proof that separation was real. Though this belief in separation became the accepted belief, it was never and can never be Truth.
What is Truth, is that the infinite space that seemingly separates all matter is actually what Einstein called the Unified Field. This Unified Field makes up 99.9999% of all that exists – above and below, within and without. Even the space between the subatomic particles in our own human bodies comprises 99.9999% of who we are as Human beings. Since the Universe, Creator, Source, God and Love are all One and the Same, this Unified Field is Pure Divine Love that in reality, creates a Divine Container of Oneness that holds all of the parts of the Whole together in Infinite Oneness. Therefore, it is the living proof that we are all One – not that we are separate! Because of the existence of this Unified Field of Love, our Oneness is guaranteed as our birthright, in safety, in Wisdom, and in Grace. It is humanity’s Gift to ensure that we do not get lost in the quagmire of human pain and suffering indefinitely.
As an integral part of the Greater Whole, all that we have come to believe and accept about separation is the most significant Misunderstanding of All Time and Space! When we are able to focus on the 99.9999% of all that exists, rather than the .1% of all that we can see, our consciousness opens up to transcend the invisible boundaries of the .1%, giving us access to the Divine Knowing within the 99.9999%.
Given the above realization, please see my responses to your questions:
What is the place and purpose of Love in the Universe?
Love is Pure Divine Grace, holding us all together in a Unified Field of Divine Love/Oneness, that we may, at any time, return to our understanding of Truth at the Center of the Universe… and… at the Center of our Selves, without having to wait until we release our physical bodies.
Is Love the source, substance and future of all being in the universe?
Absolutely! How can it NOT be??? The Source and Substance of all that exists is Love. The .1% of All that Is that is visible to our human eyes, only exists to reignite our memory of Who we really are through our experiences of that .1%. With all of our Human senses working together to supply us multiple levels of information constantly and continually, we have been given the capacity to use our human experiences to clarify and fine-tune our true Identity. As Humanity progresses toward this Re-membering, our future is re-defined in Truth, rather than in Illusion!
Is the Universe made of, by and for love?
Yes! Since 99.9999% of all that exists is Pure Love and the other .1% exists as a learning tool to bring us back to Truth, to Love and to Oneness, the only missing piece to the great puzzle of Life is Human awareness.
Are we humans the children of a universe of love; so are we made of, by and for love?
Yes, yes, yes!!! For all of the above reasons.
Is the universe a love story?
Absolutely, but it is the greatest Love Story never told…at this point in time… To be continued!
Hi, very nice website, cheers!
Beautiful Truth. Thanks, Penny
Yes, when we poke our head out of this density we remember what we forgot. Even Atlantis dropped in frequency from Lemuria and it was even more refined and steeped in interconnected love before that. I was once thrust 20 feet up out of meditation into absolute bliss, willingly returning to my 3-d body and world when I realized how love actually coexists here. We come in with all the ancestral lines before us, or so says the Gene Keys, so our remembering is part of our evolution upwards and our faith in grace retrieves the involution of higher frequency, showering us in love.
Thank you ~*~
Well said!
It’s going to be finish of mine day, however before ending
I am reading this impressive article to improve my know-how.
Thank you, Joanne!
Thank you so much, Penny!
Cheers to you too, Aisha! Visit any time!
Thank you, Astara!
Thank you, Naomi!