Class 2: Law of Vibration (Entrainment)
“Every time you play a fearful or regretful tape, you are robbed of your precious time in the precious moment to create your future. Thoughts like these rob us of our dreams and weaken us, for all thoughts based on fear slowly drain our Light. Remember, we are energy beings, and our mind controls the way in which we use this precious substance.”
~ Dr N. Milanovich and Dr. S. McCune, The Light Shall Set You Free[1]
Who we are at the core of our Being, is a vibration that is unique to each one of us. Just as we each have a unique fingerprint on the physical level, we each have a vibrational fingerprint that is unique to only us. That vibrational fingerprint is, in large part, determined on a day-to-day basis by the combination of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, words, and actions. Our level of willingness to either expand our consciousness or remain attached to a contracted state (or set of beliefs) also plays an important role in how we feel about ourselves and our world, and thus, impacts our vibration. All of these factors together determine our vibrational frequency. Since everything that exists, without exception is made up of atoms, (energy) and energy is vibrational, we cannot escape this truth. Every thought is a specific vibration and when we feed that vibration of thought with our feelings, words, and actions, it becomes stronger because each of our feelings, words and actions also carry a specific energy vibration that adds greater intensity to our thought vibration. If we give each of these factors: thoughts, feelings, words and actions a random value of two, for example, then 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 is obviously greater than the value of any one of the individual factors of two. When you then factor in will, intention, beliefs, values, and ego, the driving forces behind our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, the strength or power of our vibration increases exponentially. Because the power of will, intention, motivation, values, belief and ego are causative factors that ultimately underlie our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, the former can actually cancel out the latter.
For example, let’s say you have had an argument with a loved one. During this argument, your loved one made several comments that were intended to hurt you. You bought into that intention, took the words personally and as a result, you were hurt by the words and the intention behind those words. The next day your thought is, “I do not want to stay angry. I should do the ‘right thing’ and make up.” So, fueled by your conscious belief that “anger is bad” and your thought that you “should do the right thing”, you go to your loved one with a desire to make up, which all makes perfect sense to you. Unconsciously, however, you are still carrying the vibration of pain over your previous day’s exchange of words, and since then, have unconsciously added the vibration of resentment to that pain. Because your vibration of pain and resentment, even though unconscious, is stronger than the vibration of the logic you have used to choose reconciliation, almost immediately, the good intentions of wanting to do the right thing, turn into another argument. You are caught off guard because your conscious intentions were “good,” so therefore, you blame your loved one for being “unreasonable and stubborn”… again! It has to be the other person’s fault, because you sincerely wanted to do the right thing!
Your learning edge in this scenario is that you did not understand the Law of Vibration. If you had taken the time to “tune in” to your inner being, you would have felt the vibration of resentment and pain that you “stuffed down” yesterday and therefore, you would have understood that (because you had not dealt with these feelings) they were stronger than your desire to make up. The strongest vibration always wins, and it is important to understand that the strongest vibration is not necessarily the highest vibration. Awareness, total presence with ourselves in each moment, is the only way to work with our vibration and to align that vibration to be in harmony with what is most important to us. Had you taken a moment to tune-in to your overall vibration before beginning the “reconciliation conversation,” you would have created an opportunity to realize that none of the words said in anger were true and you would have been able to release both the anger and resentment. Having done that, it would have been much easier to remember how much love you have for this person. Can you sense how different the conversation could potentially be when you initiate a dialogue from this vibration of open and unconditional love versus a vibration of hidden resentment and pain, even if you are unconscious that you are holding on to these emotions?
Awareness is Key
The only difference between your conscious mind and your unconscious mind is awareness. When you make a decision to become aware of your overall vibration, you are much less likely to be caught off guard because you understand that “what goes around comes around.” In more capitalistic terms, energy, no matter what its vibration, is a commodity in which you invest. The energy that you “spend” is your investment and the energy that you receive back is the return on your investment.
Just imagine what happens when all these factors within yourself are in alignment and agreement with each other. Have you ever experienced a moment where you were completely aware that there were no conflicting vibrations within your own being? When you can step out of the fog of conflicting inner aspects and consciously choose your vibration, the vibration you release is clearer, higher and more powerful, because it is in alignment and congruent with all that you are. The clearer and stronger vibration you radiate, the stronger and clearer will be the return on your investment. Therefore, if you want the return on your investment to be a return that you desire, it is surely wise to choose your thoughts, feelings, words and actions, along with your intentions, beliefs and values that drive them, with conscious awareness.
Moreover, your use of ego and will power have an exponential impact on your overall vibration. When talking about ego and will, it is important to make a distinction. Just as you have a lower heart (your wounded heart) and a higher heart (your healed heart), you also have an ego at the personality level and an Ego that is aligned with your higher self. Similarly, you have a personality level will and a Divine Will. These distinctions are important to understand, because the different levels of heart, ego and will, that are available to you in any given moment and that you choose in those moments, will absolutely change the results of your interactions. When you exert your will fueled by lower ego, the impact is that you lower your vibration even when the thoughts, words, feelings and actions on the conscious level are all positive (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (-8) = 0) In this example, the (-8) = the underlying need to control or manipulate another person, situation or outcome. Since your personality level will and ego are usually seeking to control a situation and/or to prove themselves right, whether you are aware of this dynamic or not, the overall vibration of the interaction will be lowered. In this type of situation, you rarely understand “what went wrong” with the communication – you just know that you are not happy with the end result. On the other hand, when you exert your higher level, Divine Will, fueled by unconditional love, your vibration is exponentially raised to a level that serves you in a much more positive way. Putting this dynamic into mathematical language, the equation 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (+8 unconditional love) = 16 creates a positive return on your investment of energy that can be truly magical.
Exponentially good returns on your creative energy investments only seem magical when you do not understand how the Universal Laws of energy work. With an awareness of how the Law of Vibration works, these formerly seemingly magical outcomes become expected outcomes. When you begin to understand that you are the creator of your perceptions, and those perceptions determine your response to every situation, and you also begin to understand that your energy output leaves its source (You!), gathers more like energy, and then returns back to its source (You!), then you will begin to take responsibility for all that you create (cause) and all that you receive (effect) in the process.
The lower the vibration that you emit the more negative, pessimistic, or fear-filled are the corresponding thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Conversely, the higher your vibration, the more positive, optimistic and loving are your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Therefore, the more close-minded and fearful you are, the lower your vibration, and the more open-minded and loving you are, the higher your vibration. In any case, whatever the vibration of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, at whatever intensity they may be, you get back the same energy that you put out, only multiplied. Remember that energy travels in a circular motion. If you are putting out angry, negative, lack-filled “vibes” most of the time, then you are getting back more of the same vibration most of the time.
We are Creator Beings
The Universe simply responds to vibration without questioning or judging what it is receiving. Its response is always to send back to each energy source, the same vibration and intensity of energy that each source has put out. Since You are the source of the energy that you put out in the form of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, etc… the Universe responds in kind and cannot, in fact, respond any other way. You are the creator of your perception of “your world” by the thought energy that you create (birth) and send out into that very world in the form of responses to every situation you encounter. This is your evolutionary process, so your evolvement is dependent upon the energy that you access and use to create your world. The cyclical nature of the natural motion of energy makes it absolutely impossible for anything else to be true.
In this world of endless possibilities, it is always possible that things may not always go exactly the way you may have anticipated. However, with an understanding of the Law of Vibration, we can always choose the frequency we are vibrating at any given moment, no matter what appears to be happening around us. We have the power to choose whether we “buy into” other people’s vibrations (entrain) or not. We can be sad with the saddest of them, or we can simply choose to feel compassion for those who are vibrating sadness, while remaining true to our own song; our own vibration.
Sing Your Song!
Birds know well that they each have their own song to sing. A warbler doesn’t hear the song of a cardinal, suddenly decide that it likes that song better than its own, and switch to the cardinal’s song. It sings its own song no matter whether it rains or shines and no matter which other birds are singing around it. They know instinctively who they are and do not try to change their nature to suit others or their environment. We can do the same. However, we must re-train ourselves to become more aware, and more sure of our own true nature. It is only in knowing who we are that we are able to remain true to ourselves.
We must be able to sing our own song without fear of not being heard, without fear of our song not being good enough, without fear that it is anything but an absolutely perfect expression of who we are at your unique core.
The stronger the desire we put behind our thoughts, feelings, words and actions, and the stronger our Will for a certain outcome (when all of these are aligned with each other), the more likely we are to create that certain reality. This understanding comes with great responsibility because, as you have seen, although our words indeed carry vibration, if our intention is less sincere than our words, based on an underlying need for control or manipulation, we will be putting out a lower vibration and ultimately, will only be able to receive a corresponding lower vibration. We cannot ever fool or manipulate Universal Laws. What goes around comes around. Always! Our values, intentions, perceptions and fears, and our awareness, or lack thereof, determine our level of consciousness, which in turn determines our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, which together determine our vibration, which then, determines how we are perceived by ourselves and others and ultimately, determines our evolution. All is connected – all is One!
You Determine Your Evolution
This languaging opens up a new potential for re-defining the term “Determinism,” which has always carried the connotation of a causal level of control that is beyond human control, that predetermines or predestines specific outcomes. However, we may acknowledge or refute this “causal level” of destiny, it is becoming clear to many that humanity is not a victim of predestination – we are partners in it! Because we have the will to “determine” our own vibration as the Master of it, we also have the will and the inherent capacity to partner in determinism at the macrocosmic level.
Fear, which can wear many masks, accompanied by the resulting lack of confidence and trust in self, are the single most factors keeping us from determining our highest potential and ultimately, from becoming (or returning to) Love. Fear and Love are actually on the same frequency continuum, the former being the total lack of Love and the latter being full presence of Total Unconditional, Pure, Divine Love.
If that seems confusing, we can make the same comparison with something more familiar such as color. Black and white are considered to be opposites, yet black is simply the total lack of color and white is the combined frequencies of all colors. The same is true for all that we perceive to be opposites – “as different as black and white.”
In this dualistic world, where everything is defined in terms of opposites, it is difficult to grasp that all is one and the same, just in varying degrees. Blue is blue whether it is the palest pastel or the darkest navy or the deepest indigo. This can also be compared with the emotions of sorrow, sadness, grief, melancholy, depression. They are all different hues of the same emotion. We even say, “I am feeling blue today.” So, this conscious association is one with which we are all familiar. Another conscious association with emotion and color is anger and the color red. Someone who is “seeing red” or “red in the face” is often assumed to be angry. Within all of the varying hues of red, we describe different kinds or levels of anger from rage to resentment to disappointment to total apathy. Again, these are just different hues of the vibration of anger, which in the end, is either rooted in fear, or our response to the perceived squelching of our Life Force. Therefore, if the cause is fear, the ultimate effect is going to be fear-filled, bleak, gray, or somewhere in between, but most definitely lacking in vibrancy. Responding with red/anger is usually the stage we go through until we are ready to acknowledge the root cause, which is very often hidden in our subconscious mind. The anger serves us by fueling us with more energy so that we may find the strength to dig deeper into our core to find the truth.
I experienced this realization several years ago after ending a relationship and being evicted from my apartment all within one half an hour. My ex-partner had barely moved out with his stuff and there was another knock at the door. When I opened it, my landlord was standing on the other side handing me eviction papers with a thirty-day notice, saying he was converting the building from apartments to condominiums. That was a fair challenge for just one-half hour! I was feeling anger, hurt, resentment (seeing red!) while at the same time experiencing the fear of “What’s next?” Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to go for a walk on the beach to clear my head. While walking on the beach, which I have done literally countless times in my life, (because no matter what my mood is when I arrive, I always leave feeling rejuvenated), I saw something that I had never seen before. I watched a seagull struggling to stand at the shoreline, as the water continually washed the sand out from under its feet. He was wobbling back and forth, seemingly using all his strength to stand in one place. Noticing the struggle, and relating to the struggle, as I too, felt that the proverbial rug was being pulled out from under me, I continued my walk, a little more perplexed than when I started out. Within just a few feet of the first wobbling seagull, there was another one, doing exactly the same thing! Then. . .another and still another. At this point, my attention was riveted on this strange dance of the seagulls. I finally stopped, stepped back with all four seagulls in plain view, and asked myself, “Okay, what is this all about?”
As I stood there on the beach, in silence, watching these seagulls warbling to and fro, I began to realize that they were not struggling to stand at all, but that they were using the natural energy of the waves washing upon the shore, and the momentum of this energy, to assist them in digging deeper for the nourishment – clams and sand dollars in this case – that they required. As the waves washed away one level of sand, the seagulls were using their feet to dig through more levels to get to their food, while expending as little as necessary of their own energy to accomplish this goal. “How clever and resourceful!” I thought. In that moment, I knew that I could learn from the seagulls and Nature, using their example to ease my own perceived struggle (my own wobble!). Using the energetic momentum of the changes that I was experiencing – my own personal wave of change – I could use that energy to my advantage. Instead of trying to stop the wave, or stop the sand from washing away my life as I knew it, using sheer resistance, (both reactions could only be ineffective at best and cause added suffering), I could, like the seagulls, use this energy around me to dig deeper to find what I needed most for nourishment. I could figure out how to fuel my fire in the next phase of my life as I moved through this change, by flowing with it rather than resisting it.
Digging deeper to learn what I required to nourish myself, I was able to see more clearly, what that might look like and at the same time, feel more confident in my ability to move forward in the right direction. It was clear to me that my main objective was to learn to love and be loved unconditionally and fully. Recognizing that I still had some beliefs and fears in the way of that, I made a commitment to myself to confront them as they came up, in order to clear the way for real, reciprocal love. This intention, coupled with my heart-felt desire to come to know Love more fully, before I even actually began to do anything differently, changed my vibration closer to that of Love. From this perspective my actions, in the form of choices that I would make based on my intention to be more loving, would draw me closer to where I wanted go. Being catapulted into changes that I did not think I wanted, actually helped me to gain clarity about what I most wanted! As paradoxical as that may seem, it was my willingness to dig deeper, to understand, and to grow, that gave me the strength to shift my vibrational frequency to a higher perspective that allowed me to return to the Truth at my center, not in spite of the changes I was experiencing, but because of those changes.
One other important characteristic of the Law of Vibration is that higher vibrations have the ability to “consume and transform” lower vibrations. This aspect of this law is not reciprocal – just as subtraction and division are not reciprocal operations – because lower vibrations have no transformative, healing power in and of themselves. If we see darkness and light as polar opposites, with total darkness being the lowest vibrational frequency on the spectrum, and pure light being the highest, we see evidence of this law every day. Every time we walk into a dark room and flip on the light switch, instantly, there is no more darkness. Darkness is transformed/consumed by light. And darkness apparently cannot exist in the presence of light… yet, it does, because when we take away the light, we find ourselves once again in darkness. The dilemma is not that dark and light exist simultaneously. The confusion arises when we make a choice to see (judge) one as better than the other. Since the Universe is full of seeming paradox, I will introduce one more concept for you to ponder.
So, is the question, How do we transcend the darkness when we cannot find our way out? Or, is it… What if Light were not our ultimate final destination, but a guide of Remembrance to support us in returning to our Origins? What if the proverbial age-old battle is not between Dark and Light, as humans have always thought, but simply our own resistance to the activation of a Remembrance that WE ARE the HOLY GRAIL? What if the Remembrance that we cannot find the HOLY GRAIL outside ourselves, is designed to show us that It can only be found within the deep, dark recesses of our Beingness. What if the Purest vibration that exists, were actually that within the Womb of Creation, and humans remembered how to access that memory within themselves?
Having used the metaphor of dark and light to help you understand the Law of Vibration, it is important to open to the next level of understanding, that all Light is birthed from Darkness. In the Origins of Life, before time and Light ever existed at all, there was only Darkness. It is the Infinite Potential that exists within the darkness, in the Womb of Creation, that makes the birthing of Light possible. WE are Light that was birthed from the dark, protective, and nurturing Sacred Womb! This is exactly the reason we are able to transcend into and return to Light after experiencing challenges, hardships, and sometimes even hopelessness. By transcending darkness as we perceive and experience it, we allow Divine Potential to be birthed through us!
When we understand the Law of Vibration and the quality of higher vibrations to transform lower vibrations, by birthing new potential, then we can take our understanding itself of these laws to a higher vibration, with even more effective results. For example, when we weave together the Law of Vibration and the Law of Cause and Effect, using them together, their individual power is exponentially magnified. Let’s say that you are in a political discussion that from your perspective is very negative, which makes you feel extremely uncomfortable. The other people involved are not at all on the same page you are, and you have some choices to make. Here are just a few of them:
Choice 1: To simply be a victim to the situation. If this happens to be your choice, then you have probably not experienced “victimhood” enough to recognize your ability to respond to this situation with empowerment. You will most likely continue to choose to be a victim until you realize that you can initiate or create a cause that will result in the effect of your own empowerment.
Choice 2: Once you get past the point of giving your power away, you can then try to force your will on someone else, taking a stand to be right.
Choice 3: You can judge the negative situation and the people involved as inferior, unworthy of your energy and input and leave (in which case you learn nothing and what you teach to the other people who are challenging you is that who you are is all about ego. At the same time, you are also reminding those people how it feels to be judged.
Choice 4: Since the Universe never judges what you cause/create, but just simply allows the effect to rise naturally to the surface, judgment is not one of your natural traits. If you see judgment as a learned behavior, as opposed to a natural trait, you can then use that knowledge to strengthen your will to remember to unlearn that behavior pattern. How do you remember not to judge others once judgment has become an ingrained pattern of behavior? You make a decision, using your will, your intention, and your desire to release the old pattern that no longer serves you, by using your tendency to jump into judgment mode, as a reminder to center yourself. Because judgment is not a natural component of your Essence, you cannot be in judgment and in balance at the same time. When you choose balance (a higher vibration) over judgment (a lower vibration) the judgment disappears just like the darkness disappears when you turn on the light switch.
Choosing inner balance, peace, and harmony in each situation, strengthens our will, raises our vibration, and diffuses negativity through transformation. Our hearts, the seat of your soul, still remembers who we are (Love) and when we bring our heart together with our mind, (our thoughts and intentions) then we are in harmony. When we then align the harmonized mind and heart with our Will, then we have the power to transmute any lower vibration back into a higher version of itself by birthing new potential in that moment – (remember that All is One!). This is the heart of healing both for ourselves and for others. It is a matter of using our Power of Choice to return back to our Essence, to our true identity.
Are you beginning to see how understanding and using the concepts of these laws could potentially improve the quality of your life? The value of synthesizing these laws into your awareness and your intentions is summarized in this quotation from The Light Shall Set You Free:
…one must begin to conquer the mind and the emotions. One must acquire self-love enabling Light to flow continuously from the Source through consciousness and back to the Source. All must be continuous and experienced in a circular fashion. When this is accomplished, the individual assumes a position of using the higher planes of existence over the lower planes of existence, and creates the utopia that is longed for within. Thus, freedom is experienced and bondage is gone. [2]
Questions to Contemplate:
- How would you summarize the Law of Vibration?
- How does this Law apply specifically in your life, describing both the benefits and challenges of this Law in action?
- Journal about an experience where you may have made different choices had you understood at that time, the benefits of working with this Law.
- How might a commitment to accept and love yourself more fully support you in gaining Mastery over your own vibrational frequency?
[2] McCune, Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley. The Light Shall Set You Free. Scottsdale, AZ: Athena Publishing, 1996. p. 195
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