So much has changed in the last 2 years, and at the same time, there is at least just as much (if not more) that has remained unchanged. It is like the surface waters of the lake changing with a storm, while the deeper waters remain peaceful and unchanged. On the surface, it feels like our lives have been caught up in the storm, shaking up the very core of who we are. In the disruption of our lives, our families, and many significant relationships, we can feel lost and powerless to change anything. What is critical to recognize is that from a place of powerlessness, our translation of weathering the storm can only ignite and magnify fear. From this vantage point, we indeed cannot initiate positive change!
Because I believe that everything happens for a reason, I believe that our seemingly unsolicited immersion into the midst of this storm, is happening for a reason. When we open ourselves to the possibility of embracing our challenges as a learning opportunity, the entire picture changes dramatically. Can you even imagine the energy you would spend trying to calm the surface of a lake in a storm? What would eventually become clear to you is that no matter how much energy you muster toward your goal of returning to calm by controlling your environment, your only options ultimately are to wait out the storm, or to go deeper within yourself. Either way, from a conventional-thinking perspective, this may look like doing nothing. “So”, you may ask, “Are we just supposed to sit and twiddle our thumbs while our lives appear to be falling apart?” Thank you for asking! That is actually a really good question. What is our best response to the global storm that is currently visiting us? While sitting and twiddling our thumbs is one option, there are countless other options.
When we are shaken to the core and everything inside us is revealed for questioning, what if we were to simply allow the revelations to surface, rather than resist them? As we become willing to give Creation permission to stir our Self-Soup, that we may see all of the ingredients contained therein, what if we were to begin to see some ingredients being stirred up, that do not belong there – that do not enhance the overall flavor of our Self? Eye opening revelations give us an opportunity to change our perspective in more informed and positive ways that can positively impact the course of our lives. How could you ever distinguish between the ingredients that bring harmony to the flavor of your soup and those which bring disharmony, if you never allowed your soup to be stirred?
What if these times were our DYI (Do it yourself) instructions for how to do a successful Life Review? What if we were to give ourselves permission, even for just one day, to leave the chaotic surface tension and take a deep dive into Self – into the still-calm depths of our Being to reconnect with our deeper Truths and our longing to once again know Peace?
As a Minister of Peace, ordained in 2010, I learned that we can never experience Peace by wishing away, or trying to annihilate the chaos that surrounds us. The only way to experience Peace is to BE Peace, to find that quality within our core and to free it at its Source within us, that we may allow it to permeate our consciousness. This choice could very well be one of the most significant choices we will ever make – especially now! Ultimately, for everyone alive on Earth at this time, this choice is our responsibility and our Purpose for being here. When we make this choice, we begin the process of healing ourselves, Nature, and Mother Earth Herself.
Disruption always surfaces when change is needed. Storms replenish the negative ions in the atmosphere. This is the scientific description of what we experience as “the calm after the storm.” Nature always knows what is needed and will rebalance itself by creating the needed conditions. In this time of unprecedented disruption, it is too easy to allow the disruption to distract us from our Core Knowing. In this distraction and the subsequent disconnect from Self, we tend to forget who we are and lose touch with our foundational belief in our own Sovereignty. Anything or anyone that distracts us from our Inner Knowing (especially through the vehicle of fear) presents an opportunity to return to Self, to remember that we are more than the circumstances that surround us. In this remembrance, is the key to returning to a state of Peace, and the key to reclaiming and real-izing (making real) our Divine Birthright to true Freedom. And… within this realization, is the key to never having to relinquish your own Inner Peace again! Within this realization is the key to taking back our Sovereignty and stepping out of fear as a motivational factor in our lives.
During this 11th hour of transformation, our lives are unraveling more quickly, and how we rebuild, reorganize, and re-prioritize ourselves is more than just significant – it is vital to our survival. Doing our best to live within our foundational values and principles, while respecting and honoring the Universal Laws invites an opening for positive change. At any point, we can make a new choice to align our thoughts, words, and actions with the Truth of who we are – the Sacredness of who we are. As conscious choice becomes our new practice, we gradually become more congruent with all that enhances our Life Force, and we begin to remember and become more and more congruent with Truth. As we begin to knowingly walk through this Remembrance Doorway, we return to Love, embracing all Life as Sacred and Precious, and we begin to naturally, instinctively choose to protect that preciousness both within ourSelves and all around us – for ultimately, there is no difference. We are all One!
I would LOVE to hear your comments and any questions you may have as you read the content of this blog entry.
Many Blessings,
Dear Debra, In this time of information overrload, of not knowing what is true and what is not, it is true that the only way one can survive is inner peace in order to weather the storms around us. We must not, not care what is happening but try to live our lives in such a peaceful way and pray it transfers to others. There is much wsidom in your blog.
❤️Thank you for this…reminder to Self. I woke up knowing what I needed would find me and, I am grateful find it in your words.
Thank you so much for your reply! I appreciate your words of Wisdom and more importantly, your ability to live the Truth of your Wisdom in circumstances that most people would find extremely challenging. Thank you for having the strength to walk your talk!!!
Thank you Marisol! I am happy that you found this blog entry both timely and helpful. Offering loving support to each other while strengthening our own healthy boundaries is our ticket to coming out of this storm stronger and clearer than ever!