Do you know where you are on your Journey? Knowing where you are does not necessarily have anything to do with where you started or where your destination may be. It truly has more to do with where you are in this very moment. Whatever path you may be on, how are you walking it today? In this very moment?  Are you fully present and aware of all that is going on around you, focused on your very next step forward? Are you wishing your path up to this moment had been different? Are you stuck in some part of your unresolved past, unwilling to let it go? Are you unwilling to throw back the imaginary fish that you wish you had caught and unwilling to forgive the one that seemingly found you?

Or, are you focused on what you might find around the bend and whether or not you will like it – whether it will serve you or challenge you? Are you willing to be challenged? Are you willing to be present in Joyous anticipation for what is around the next bend, whatever that may be, or are you in anxious anticipation and fear? Wherever you are, it is important to be aware, accepting and honoring of your response to each present moment – each step on your path.

Whether your focus is in the past, the present or the future will determine your experience of your Journey. Your level of awareness/consciousness plays a key role in both whether or not you reach your ultimate destination, and who you are when or if you arrive there.

The hero/heroine’s Journey is meant to be an education, or more accurately, a series of initiations into higher and higher levels of consciousness. How will we ever know what we are truly made of, if we are never put to the test? How will we ever know if we can fly, if we are never pushed off the precipice? What if it never occurs to us to jump?

The more present we can be in each moment along the way, the more we will gain, learn and grow, expanding our consciousness, and gaining tools for the next leg of our Journey. Proceeding in this way, we always have access to the tools, resources, and wisdom we need, no matter what challenges we may face. Learning as we go, we come to understand that we can carry the wisdom we have gained from our challenges with us… always. When we embrace and integrate the wisdom, and leave the challenge itself, with the accompanying struggle behind (in the past where it belongs), we grow.

In your past challenges, I can guarantee you that you have already learned the difference in how you feel when you are thinking loving thoughts vs. fearful thoughts, thoughts of prosperity and abundance, vs. thoughts of lack, thoughts of inspiration and wonderment, vs. complacency and depression, thoughts of empowerment, vs. victim-hood, etc. …. What if every challenge you have ever experienced was set up to teach you that very difference? Why??? So that you may learn to discern Truth from untruth and choose your responses accordingly!

In the current 2020 chaos, are you operating on auto pilot, in survival mode, or are you consciously aware of your choices and why you are choosing what you are choosing in each moment? This awareness, the ability to self-observe in non-judgmental neutrality, specifically to access the infinite potential for learning and growth that will confront you there, is a critical puzzle piece to your ultimate healing. I invite you to be your own research project. Be adventurous and explore You every moment. Be willing to want to be fully present with and for yourself, no matter where you are standing, no matter with whom you are standing there, and no matter what challenges you may encounter.

Though, as Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey tells us, every Journey unfolds with it’s own unique set of hardships and challenges, each of these challenges and hardships serve a very specific purpose. These hardships are ultimately designed to give us the needed skills, tools, resources and strengths to discern Truth from untruth. In this process, (in an ideal world) we gain awareness of our own personal Truth. This Truth leads us to our chosen Path, catapulting us onto a higher-level Journey on which our new-found wisdom, our deepest Truths, will be our steadfast Guide – that is, if and only if, we stand firmly in those Truths as Sacred Wisdom to be lived.

Once we have gained clarity about the Journey we are on, the next level of choice is to determine Who will accompany me on my Journey? Though ultimately, we alone are both responsible and accountable for remaining on the path(s) of our chosen Journey, none of us can maneuver the winding and challenging path alone – nor are we meant to. However, who we chose to be our guides, support system and companions, not only matters, but determines our accessibility to information that will either bring more ease and grace to the Journey or more challenge and hardship. In the latter case, we are still learning to discern Truth from untruth.

For example, excluding the natural world as a viable and valuable guidance system, is in many respects, walking our path with blinders on.  Since all the Wisdom and resources we need to move forward on our Journey each step along the way can be found in the silent spaces of quiet contemplation in Nature, taking the time to step into the silence is an important step forward. Nature can provide an invaluable source of Clarity and direction that is always available to us.

Our Sacred Journey is the light that we shine on the long-buried Treasures/Truths within ourSelves that are yet to be uncovered – Treasures that are waiting all along our path to be uncovered. These Treasures are literally at the Heart of ourSelves and are the Heart of Life itSelf!  Life knows how to sustain and balance itSelf and when we sincerely tune into and connect with the Power of Creation that is the Source of all Life, we are not only sustained, we are reborn!

We are in the midst of major, unavoidable changes. We have the ability to direct the progression of this change through love, or through fear. We can respond to the challenges that are confronting us from all directions with an open mind and heart, or a closed mind and heart. We can seek to understand, or we can seek to be right. We can seek to do the “thing right” based on the old systems that are crumbling, or we can seek to do the “right thing” based on the new way of being that is birthing through the literal and the figurative ashes even as you read these words.

This is such a potent time! It is not a time to settle, to acquiesce our power, or to wait it out on the sidelines, hoping it all goes away. This is a time to search inwardly, seeking to dissolve the barriers that have allowed us to compromise who we truly are at a higher level. It is time to pull our deepest longings out of the closet and dust them off, air them out, and adorn ourselves with their magic!

Let us decide together, what we want to see birthed through these ashes and work together to ensure that our highest vision for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren, and All Life is realized.

How has your Journey informed your vision? Please share in the comment space below and feel free to share this blog using the social media links here on this page!