­           Perspective is Everything!

How many different perspectives have you read and heard, about the current global lock-down triggered by the now too familiar outbreak and contagion of the corona virus? In my newly-found (and much appreciated) down-time, I have read a plethora of articles and watched countless videos, all claiming to share “the truth about the corona virus”.

Since each perspective is different and many are completely contradictory to one another, how do we know what to believe??? How important is it that we know why this is happening and who caused it?

Is trying to figure out whom to blame for this “mess” we are in, as much of a distraction as the multitude of life distractions that have caused us to forget that we are all connected – all One?  If it is true that our focused response determines the outcome, then what focus will give us the outcome we want? Who do we blame? Or, What is the most powerful healing response that will serve the Greatest Good?

Since the questions we ask determine the answers we receive, it is critical that we be willing to examine our questions. Do our questions lead us to the answers we are seeking, or do they take us further away from the Truths for which we endlessly search?  Is it possible to sift through the complicated rhetoric, platitudes, explanations and theories to arrive at a simplified response, a logical, no-brainer action that actually serves the Greater Good?

Let’s explore this possibility… Is it possible to turn a chaotic, fear-filled, tragic pandemic into a global healing? Even if you don’t believe it is possible, it seems that at least an exploration is warranted…

Several years ago, an equation occurred to me and I started playing with it. Though Algebra was never my forte, I remembered that every equation must have at least one Given, and one Variable. Then I remembered that what you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side of the equation, in order for the final solution to be True and Balanced. This equation is O=S+R. O is the Outcome, which is equal to the Situation (the Given) + our Response to that situation (the variable). Since the only variable in this equation is our Response to the given Situation, we have the power to determine the Outcome of every situation through our Responses! The key to living the life we want is to consciously choose our Responses to whatever our situation my be. This equation is fool-proof and true to Infinity, so it cannot go wrong – that is, if we choose our Responses wisely!

How can we apply this equation to the corona virus? Let me explain. First we must take a deep look inside and ask ourselves, “Since I cannot change the (given) situation of the corona virus outbreak and the seeming reality of its exponential spread, how can I respond to it in a way that positively impacts the outcome?”

Hmmm, well, if I respond with fear or anger, then there will be fear and anger in the outcome. On the other hand, if I choose to respond with Love, Compassion and Kindness, then Love, Compassion and Kindness are guaranteed to be in the outcome. If I recognize that Love, Compassion and Kindness feel much better than fear and anger, then I can be sure that an outcome without fear and anger is optimal. Therefore, the only logical (no-brainer) solution is to not allow fear and anger to dictate my response, but to choose to BE the Change (Thank you, Gandhi!). In other words, in order for my desired outcome to be my reality, I must Become Love, Compassion and Kindness and respond from that state of Beingness!

Once I know this to be Truth, I must then have the courage to stand in that Truth, no matter what I see happening around me. Another significant benefit to living from this perspective, is that the qualities of Love, Compassion and Kindness vibrate at a much higher frequency than fear and anger. Since we are what we think and feel, when we choose to respond to Life by becoming congruent with the frequencies of Love, Compassion and Kindness, we Become those frequencies that make us feel good. When we resonate consistently with frequencies that (just happen???) to make us feel good, we are no longer a vibrational match for lower frequencies (like viruses and other negativity-based thoughts). Thus, we are strengthening our immune system and developing natural immunity to anything that resonates at the lower frequencies.

I hear you thinking, “That is easier said than done! Isn’t that just burying our heads in the sand and not taking action – not protesting – not demanding action from our government???”

Have you ever heard anyone ever accuse Mother Therese of not taking action? Of burying her head in the sand and not being realistic?

What about Gandhi? Martin Luther King? Nelson Mandela? These people are all revered and honored for their stance for Peace and Compassion. They Became the embodiment of the very qualities they knew they wanted in the outcome… and the outcomes they envisioned became the reality. What if the very purpose of their martyrdom was to show all of humanity that this kind of Response is humanly possible? What if the next evolutionary phase of humanity is dependent upon humanity’s willingness to Mastery our responses from this perspective? And…What if the greater Purpose of the corona virus were to support (shock!) humanity into an Awakening that makes this level of Mastery not only possible, but more probable? Can you even begin to envision the outcome, the depth of transformation possible if enough human beings choose to respond to the pandemic in this way?

We have not been listening. We have not been paying attention. We have not heeded the warnings from Nature that in retrospect, seem so obvious! How many more disasters and pandemics are necessary for humanity to wake up and stand courageously in the Truths for which we have all been secretly longing? Who doesn’t long for a world full of Love, Compassion and Kindness? After all, what is at the root of our longing… is Truth – the Truth of what it is to be a Human Being. Human Doings have been mindlessly and heartlessly destroying our planet, our Mother Earth, and each other for far too long – seemingly without major consequences. A well-accepted scientific tenant is “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” In the same light, For every Response, there is a corresponding and qualitative Outcome!

How might this perspective of taking responsibility for our reality with self-accountability, change the quality of our responses to Life’s situations? How might it change the quality of Life on Earth if everyone did?

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts and feelings about this article. Thank you!


©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.