2020 – What in the World is Really Happening?

With the intensity of everything that is happening simultaneously, from pervasive fires, devastating hurricane winds and flooding, to protesting (violent and otherwise) on the streets, to the viral pandemic of fear and confusion from both political infighting and C virus, it is no wonder that clouds of chaos are feeling more and more imminently ominous.

From our microcosmic perspectives, it looks and sometimes feels like the world is falling apart. In a sense, this is true, but that does not necessarily translate into a bad thing. When we see things as “bad” or “wrong”, we tend to resist them, reacting with the energies of anger, frustration, stress, fear, etc… Unfortunately, adding these energies to any situation, only makes the situation feel and look worse. If we continue to respond with increasing resistance, it is easy to get caught up in a downward spiral that can lead only to hopelessness.

Though logically we know that perpetuating these negative energies does not and cannot serve us, with the current intensity in our world, and possibly in our neighborhoods and families, many of us are “catching” ourselves going there from time to time, and possibly, even getting stuck there.

So, you may ask, “What is the alternative when things really do look bad?” Stepping back, away from the chaos, into the macrocosmic viewpoint, things always look different. If we step back from the belief that the world is falling apart and that is bad, we can expand on that same perspective. Instead, what if we were to say, “The world as we know it is falling apart, and this is good!”

How can this possibly be good?

Many would say that there is much going on in the world right now that does not serve the people, but only serves the few. Our foundational systems are broken and are in dire need of an overhaul. It is those very systems that are falling apart, simply because they are no longer serving humanity or the Earth. We can do better and the old must collapse before we can begin to build the new. When we ask, “What will it take to do that?” The answer is, “Exactly what is happening all around us at this very moment!” The potential for change at this time in truly unprecedented.

There has not been a more pregnant moment on this planet for thousands of years! We have been being prepared for the birthing of the New Earth for several decades now and we are feeling increased intensity, because we are currently pushing through the birthing canal. We are in transition between two worlds.

To add to this intensity, the multiple timelines that exist within multiple dimensions are merging into one unified timeline to support humanity in more fully embracing the Truth of who we really are in Unity and Complementarity with All Life. As we continue to witness every option playing out simultaneously before our eyes, we may begin to see the immediate outcomes of each human response (including and especially our own). Having clearly seen each of the outcomes manifested by the infinite responses available to us, we are more clearly able to see the connection between our responses and the resulting manifested outcomes. It is simple matter of cause and effect.

Different timelines are really no more than the playing out of the different manifestations, effects, or results from human choice. We are all living our own personal Groundhog Day, and now those personal choices are coming together, unifying, in our conscious awareness because it is time for humanity to wake up and remember that we are powerful, Sacred Beings of Light. It is time for us to remember that we are far more powerful in Mastery than we are when we try to control and dominate everything and everyone around us. We are far more powerful in compassionate collaboration than we are in competition against each other, and we are far more powerful in Love than we are in hate or in fear.

To fully realize (make real) this birthing, or metamorphosis of consciousness, while maintaining a state of embodiment, our goal is not to leave the third dimension and float into the 5th dimension to finally live happily-ever-after. We are meant to expand our consciousness into the 5th dimension (and higher), while integrating and anchoring the Light, Unconditional Love and Wisdom of that dimension into our 3rd dimensional bodies for the Purpose of “Enlight-en-ing” who we are. As we do this, we transform and expand not only Consciousness Itself, but the frequency and light quotient of matter. In this process, we expand our potential as Creators and Masters (rather than being controllers) of the material world, for the benefit and enhancement of All Life and the Natural World.

What I have just described is the process of manifesting the truth of Hermes statement “As above, so below.” – finally bringing Heaven to Earth. Ultimately, this is the process of fully embracing who we are as Spiritual Beings having a physical experience, while expanding that awareness beyond what we had formerly thought it meant. The expanded awareness that we are now birthing is the remembrance of our connection and interdependence with all Life on this planet and beyond. Our remembrance awakens within us our memory from the Origins of our original commitment to Mother Earth and to all Life, to nurture and care for Her as our Beloved and Sacred Mother Land.

Our reverent, participatory relationship with Mother Earth and All Life is reciprocal and complementary. In our reciprocal agreement, Mother Earth provides all that we need to thrive, and in return, we have agreed to care for her and all of her children – all Life. Mother Earth has held up to Her end of the agreement impeccably; however, humanity has not come close to complementing and honoring Her benevolent and unconditional love and generosity. As we remember and reclaim our Sacred place in Nature, we restore the balance of Life. In our newly reclaimed state of balance and harmony, healing and vibrancy become our new normal, Heaven and Earth become One, and All Life lives happily-ever-after (not just the privileged prince and the princess)!

The answer to the question, “What in the world is really happening?” depends on your response to all that we are now seeing, feeling and experiencing within the current cloud of chaos. Remembering that chaos and disruption is necessary for deep change, transformation and ultimate metamorphosis, what is the response that will bring humanity the kind of change that will support the Highest Good for All?

Imagine the kind of change that will result if we all respond in fear and engage in the current drama by contributing more drama.

Then, imagine the kind of change that will result if we all respond by consciously choosing not to engage the drama, but by simply witnessing all that appears to be happening from a neutral, compassionate place within ourselves, while remaining anchored in our knowing that as we embrace the “breakdown” of the old as appropriate and necessary, we create the needed space for the “breakthrough” that will birth the New Earth and transform our Earthly experience accordingly.

Please offer and share your comments, questions, thoughts, and feelings. We have all chosen to be here now for a reason and supporting each other now is necessary for our “breakthrough”!

I look forward to hearing from you!