If we are to grow spiritually, we must begin to examine our thoughts and understand that our beliefs and our thoughts do not represent reality.  They are our perceptions of reality that are incomplete.  When we realize this, we open ourselves to moving out to understand in new ways and to appreciate the diversity of peoples’ perceptions.  We can control our thoughts, our beliefs, our speech and our actions, but to do so requires that we will ourselves to behave in different ways. [1]

A basic premise of physics is that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed.”  What does this mean?  To understand this, we must also remember that energy, in order to be energy, by definition, must be in perpetual motion.  When energy becomes static, it ceases to be energy.  Therefore, if energy is perpetually in motion and never static, it must necessarily be dynamic – always changing.

Have you ever been to the ocean and were just in awe of the waves?  The power and energy of the waves in the ocean are awesome, indeed!  What if you were to be so overwhelmed with the power of the waves, so in awe, that you decided to capture a wave and take it home with you, so you could always have that energy available to you?  Toward this end, you get a large bucket and you simply scoop up the largest wave you see, capturing the magnificent energy you so long to possess.  Excited with the anticipation of your “catch,” you walk your bucket back to the beach, set it down, gaze into the bucket… only to find just a pail of water!  What happened to the awesome energy of the wave?  By the simple act of trying to contain the infinite nature of pure energy, you have changed the nature of it – it is no longer a wave – it is no longer free to be what it is meant to be.  As was previously stated, a wave, just like energy, ceases to be a wave when it is not in perpetual motion.  Static water can hardly be called a wave.  The infinite cannot be contained in the finite.

Changes in energy can actually be measured by changes in the frequency of that energy. So, in order to change, energy must either move to a higher or a lower vibrational frequency.  As beings made of energy, we also are dynamic, ever changing beings.  This law says that just as water will take the path of least resistance, so energy takes the path of least resistance.  In this case, the path of least resistance for energy is always a higher vibration, because the lower the vibration, the more resistance.  There is a mechanism built into the human psyche at the genetic blueprint level, the intention of which is to support each human being in awakening to our fullest potential.  This same mechanism is built into every acorn, holding the perfect blueprint of a majestic oak tree; every flower, telling it when to fully blossom; into every caterpillar, telling it when to build its chrysalis, that it may morph into a butterfly.  It is in every seed, and every living being.

We become aware of this planned evolutionary progression through our inner longings – communication from our Highest Aspect, the Truth of our Essence.  These inner longings, which we all have, are our path of least resistance to reconnect to the higher vibrations of our Essence, our Source.  All energy has within its blueprint, the propensity to transmute to higher and higher vibrations.  We call this our evolutionary path to higher consciousness.

This law extends the Law of Vibration mentioned earlier; therefore, the non-reciprocal nature of this law extends to the Law of Perpetual Motion or Transmutation.  These laws refer to the quality of higher vibrational energy that “knows” how to consume and transform lower vibrational energy through the expansion of Light.  The non-reciprocity of this law simply means that lower vibrations do not have the power to consume or transform higher vibrational energies.  This quality of energy is key, as it provides another system of checks and balances to ensure our forward evolutionary progression.  If this law were reciprocal, humanity would be doomed for sure!

Everyone is our Teacher

As discussed earlier, all energy is in perpetual motion. The purpose that this perpetual, infinite motion serves is to ensure that the natural, innate proclivity of all energy to move toward and ultimately to transcend into higher forms, is realized.  When the potential energy of the caterpillar is released and transcends into the kinetic energy of the butterfly, this energy takes on a new, visible form, as well as a new purpose.  When, for example, you are in a bad mood and a friend comes to cheer you up, the energy of your negative emotions is transmuted into higher vibrational energy – if and only if, the positive energy is stronger than the negative energy (the Law of Entrainment).  In this process, you feel better and your mood changes from a negative, lower vibration, to a positive, higher vibration.

Since we have established that this law is not reciprocal, how does it work then, when you are in a good mood, you visit a friend who is depressed, and you both end up depressed?  The only way this can happen is if your friend’s bad mood is stronger than your good mood, or if you give your power away, choosing of your own free will, to allow your friend’s depression to trigger the same feeling in you. Sometimes we do this consciously and sometimes we do it unconsciously, but either way the result is the same – after all, this is the Law.  If you engage the power of loving compassion to hold your higher vibration, your good mood, then it would be impossible for your friend to remain depressed, at least while you were in his or her presence.

The power of this Law is equal to the power of our free will (both are very powerful!) to the extent that we are either courageous enough to claim mastery over our power to choose, or we give it away.  Using our will to set an intention to clear all past depleting thinking, beliefs, and perceptions, in addition to using our wills to enhance the power of forgiveness, has the effect of transmuting any energies that no longer serve us, thus supporting the forward movement of our evolution to the next level.

Understanding, a shift in frequency in and of itself, has the power to transmute energy.  Have you ever been upset about something, then finally someone explained it to you and suddenly you “got it” and were no longer upset?  When the proverbial light turns on, we see more clearly what is true. And this clarity of vision has the potential to transmute any lower vibrations that may have prevented that clarity initially.  Under the influence of this Law, forgiveness takes on a whole new light as we continue to deepen our understanding and shift our perspective.

When we are able to look at our past experiences from a higher perspective and begin to understand the ultimate gift, how much strength we have gained as a result of the challenge in a perceived “wrongdoing,” the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy takes effect and forgiveness takes on a new dimension.  This is what we call Grace.  When Grace is present, we are able to transcend the vibration of “victimhood”, which, in turn, transcends our perception of “wrong vs right”, which in turn can then transcend even our need to forgive.    When we begin to deepen our understanding, rooting that understanding in a higher Soul-level of perception, we awaken a new level of Wisdom within our Sacred Hearts.  This new level of higher understanding knows that every challenge we have ever experienced, including every person who served as a vehicle for those challenges, played a significant role in our return to Grace.  Just as the ultimate Purpose of a River is it’s own dissolution into the ocean as it returns home, so our Soul Purpose also is a return home to Grace and our own dissolution into the Infinite Ocean of the Unified Field of Oneness.

These layers of transcendence that ultimately lead to Grace and Gratitude, can only arise when we are willing to move beyond the wounded victim to the empowered masterWe must remember that Love will not diminish us.  What if we already understood that we could not be diminished by Love?  What if we knew that the highest transmutation of Energy is the energy of Love and we are having this experience to return to that knowing?

With this Wisdom comes the expanded understanding that the empowered master level of transcendence is only possible when we are willing to surrender our pain to Divine Grace, and to flow like a River of Grace in our return to Love.

An important part of our evolutionary Journey from duality back to a remembrance of Oneness is learning to transcend our judgement of all wrong and right.  Rumi’s words sum up this idea beautifully, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.  I’ll meet you there.  When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”

From the perspective of having transcended the polarity of “wrong and right,” we can look back at our past experiences with gratitude for what we have learned, the strength of understanding we have gained, and we can clearly recognize that there is a bigger reason behind every action and reaction. From that perspective, it becomes crystal clear that everyone and every circumstance is our teacher.  It is in this way, that all energy, all consciousness is perpetually transmuted.

“Matter is powerless, passive and inert.  Mind is force, energy, power.

Mind shapes and controls matter.  Every form which matter takes

is but the expression of some pre-existing thought.”      

~ Charles E. Haanel, The Master Key System


Questions for Contemplation:

  1. How do you see the correlation between Spiritual Growth and the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy?



  1. Describe an experience when you knew you had access to the Infinite Beauty and Power of the Universe and you unknowingly limited it by trying to capture it.



  1. Think of and describe a time when you transmuted the energy of a challenging and uncomfortable moment through the energy of loving compassion, acceptance or understanding.



  1. As you reflect on your responses to the 3 above questions, what have you learned about yourself in relationship to this Law?




©2020 Debra Emmanuelle. All rights reserved.