Understanding the True Nature of Healing

I just awakened from a dream. In my dream, I was given a butternut squash, that had what most people would call “a bad place” on it.  I saw this “bad place” as a wound, and I wanted to understand the nature of the wound, so I found a sharp knife and began care-fully cutting around the wound to remove the wounded section. As I did this, the now-detached piece of squash flipped over, revealing the inside of the wounded exterior. What I saw was astonishing to me! It was a perfect sketch inside the squash, of an old, bearded man tending a fire. This etching inside the squash was so beautifully detailed that I felt the need to show it to a friend. As I looked for her, interestingly

enough, I found her out tending a fire with other friends. Without saying a word, I simply went to her and dropped the piece of squash in front of her. Immediately, all eyes around the fire moved from the piece of squash to my eyes, and what I saw was Pure Wonderment!

I awakened, feeling, knowing, remembering this Pure Wonderment!


The Original Fire Keepers were considered the Truth Keepers, and typically, the Truth Keepers in the Origins, were the men. As representatives of the Divine Masculine, the men agreed to be the caretakers of Fire/Light/Truth, and in doing so, the community knew it was safe and cared for.  The Women, representatives of the Sacred Feminine, agreed to be the caretakers of the Earth/Water/Nature/the Sacred Womb of Creation, all that gives and nurtures Life, and All the Children of The Great Mother.

These Sacred Reciprocal Agreements from the Origins would ensure that through the Universal Laws, particularly the Laws of Reciprocity and Complementarity, Balance and Harmony would be maintained in perpetuity for All Life.  However, as we now see, that Sacred Balance has been severely compromised. The Sacred Truths have been squashed!

Humanity has forgotten to keep the Truth-Fires burning, and we are now paying dearly for this forgetting. For too long, we have been willing to push Truth aside in favor of convenience, but the resulting imbalance has now reached dangerous proportions, and is no longer sustainable.

Do you remember the new definition of science offered in the Introduction of this book?  Let me refresh your memory… but first, here is this old definition as per Merriam-Webster:

Science: “The state of knowing, knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding.”

            If knowledge is accepted as the lack of “ignorance or misunderstanding,” then may it not also be defined as the presence of truth?  If so, we can then paraphrase this definition by stating that the purpose of science is the search for truth – in an ideal world, that is. If we can understand all the above as reasonable information, then it seems also reasonable to say that the function of science is therefore (in an ideal world…), to distinguish between truth and non-truth, through unbiased inquiry.  Since what we commonly define as knowledge is not always accurate or true, the intention for this process of unbiased inquiry, ultimately is to establish clear understanding about what is true in terms of supporting and strengthening the integrity of the whole/holy.

            Since the root words for holistic and holy are the same, then to create a new, integrated, holistic definition for the science of healing, one could say: “The science of healing is the state of truthful (accurate) knowing which restores whole or complete systems to their original state of purity, integrity, and sacredness; a return to perfect goodness.”

As Creative, Creator Beings, we have the capacity and the ability to Create either an “Ideal world” or one that is out of balance and in utter chaos.  It is true that the more wounds we create, the more opportunities we have to remember the True Nature of Healing.  Given the depth of our wounding, we are more than ripe for a Miracle – all we have to do is to wake up and remember who we are!  Over the past several generations, we have been artificially lulled into a stupor.  As a result, we have unquestioningly accepted artificial light for our homes, artificial food, water, and medicines for our bodies, artificial intelligence from our news media, computers, phones, and in our schools, and if we continue to continue in this way, we are giving ourselves over to Becoming the artificial intelligence.  We have met the enemy and it is Us!  Whatever that may look and feel like, I will guarantee you that this is not the Path to Wonderment and Creativity, Balance and Harmony, Freedom and Peace.

In order to understand the true Nature of Healing, we must ask our questions from the place within our Hearts that remembers we are Created beings to be Creator Beings.  We have been given the Gift of Wounding, that we may ask questions, one Sacred Wound at a time, to remember how to heal ourselves, each other, and All Life.  The answers to the right questions will bring us back into Balance with all Life.  Humanity’s Love for each other, for Life itself, our unbound curiosity, sovereignty, and our Divine Gift of Creativity will guide us to the answers we are seeking.  To find those answers, we must focus on our unlimited Creativity, rather than our perceived limitations. Science has moved off track and will no longer serve to heal humanity until we redefine it completely.  It is now time for each of us to dare to remember the great-sleeping Potential we carry within each of us.  We must come together in Unity to support Life, and support each other, like the truckers now gathering in solidarity all over the world!  There is true Magic in this convergence of humanity – Magic that is palpable, inspiring, contagious!  Let us all come together in Unified Focus to get to the Heart of what it means to be Human Creator Beings, who are here to explore the Magic of Healing, together, through the Art of daring to Love deeply and fully.  May this Love be the new pandemic that sweeps the world over – Today, and Forever!!!

“…there is a kind of ‘wild card’ within each of us, a well of courage and creativity we don’t even know is there until we learn how to tap into it through spiritual disciplines.”  Flinders [1]


© 2022 By Debra Emmanuelle.  All rights reserved.

[1] Flinders, Carol Lee. At the Root of This Longing. New York, N.Y.: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.